We can help you with more than valuation. We provide services to FinTech companies operating in a variety of FinTech niches and across the corporate life cycle, from early-stage to mature companies. Additionally, we provide services to those financial institutions considering whether to build, buy, or partner with FinTech companies.

For FinTech Entrepreneurs and Investors

  • We provide board/management retreats to educate you about valuation and value creation
  • We provide transaction advisory services to help you:
    • Identify potential merger partners and structure the deal
    • Identify potential acquisitions and structure the deal
    • In selling your company
  • Mercer Capital also provides fairness opinions

For Bankers

  • We provide board/management retreats to educate you about the opportunities and challenges of FinTech for your institution
  • We identify which FinTech niches may be most appropriate for your bank given your existing market opportunities
  • We identify which FinTech companies may offer the greatest potential as partners for your bank and help you structure a deal
  • Should your bank elect to consider investments or acquisitions of FinTech companies, we provide assistance with valuations

Contact Jay Wilson at 469.778.5860 or wilsonj@mercercapital.com to discuss your needs in confidence.