Chris Mercer Presents at Upcoming AAML State Chapter Meeting

Chris Mercer will deliver a presentation entitled, “Business Valuation Potpourri” at the Connecticut Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers on April 5, 2021.  The presentation will be divided into four mini-sessions.  The topics Chris will cover are as follows:

  1. What Are the Key Drivers of Every Business Valuation?
  2. What Do I Need to Know About Buy-Sell Agreements?
  3. What Do I Do With Asset Holding Entities That Have “Stuff” In Them?
  4. What Are the Keys to Effective Appraisal Review?

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers was founded in 1962 to provide leadership that promotes the highest degree of professionalism and excellence in the practice area of family law.  The AAML has more than 1650 Fellows in 50 states.  These Fellows are highly skilled negotiators and litigators, representing individuals in all facets of family law.

Chris began his valuation career in the late 1970s. He has prepared, overseen, or contributed to hundreds of valuations for purposes related to tax, ESOPs, buy-sell agreements, and litigation, among others. In addition, he has served on the boards of directors of several private companies and one public company. He enjoys working with business owners to address ownership transition issues. Chris is a prolific author on valuation-related topics and a frequent speaker on business valuation issues for national professional associations and other business and professional groups.