Mercer Capital Presented and Exhibited at 2014 ESOP Association Conference in Las Vegas

At the ESOP Association’s 2014 Technical Conference and Trade Show on November 13 & 14, 2014 in Las Vegas, Timothy R. Lee, ASA, managing director at Mercer Capital and a current member of the ESOP Association’s Valuation Advisory Committee, co-presented a session entitled:

Repurchase Obligation: I Have the Study, Now What Do I Do With It?

Commissioning an ESOP Repurchase Obligation Study is just the first step. Understanding the study—its usefulness and its limitations—is key to using the study to manage the sustainability of your ESOP. Mercer Capital’s Timothy R. Lee, and his co-presenter Judith L. Kornfeld of ESOP Economics, Inc., drew from pertinent Issue Briefs of The ESOP Association and from decades of their own experience to educate attendees on this important topic.

Mercer Capital continued its history of regularly exhibiting at the trade show, providing numerous articles and whitepapers to attendees concerning a variety of technical matters brought to light by the recent Process Agreement stemming from the Department of Labor’s settlement agreement in the Sierra Aluminum ESOP matter.

Cover_ESOP-Financial-Projections-Whitepaper Mercer Capital’s newest Appraisal Review Practice Aid for ESOP Trustees was introduced at the conference. Download Analyzing Financial Projections as Part of the ESOP Fiduciary Process here.




Mercer Capital ESOP Services

Each year, Mercer Capital assists companies and financial institutions with annual ESOP valuations, as well as with advisory services concerning ESOP feasibility, controversy matters, DOL audit response, and fairness opinions.

Mercer Capital understands ESOPs because we are an ESOP-owned firm. We provide annual appraisals for ESOP trustees, as well as fairness opinions and other valuation-related services for ESOP companies and financial institutions across the nation. Augmenting our direct ESOP expertise on behalf Plan Trustees and sponsor companies is Mercer Capital’s considerable breadth of industry and scenario experience garnered from hundreds of non-ESOP engagements every year. Mercer Capital’s practice diversity benefits our ESOP clients by offering real world experience beyond that of most practitioners in the field.

We bring over 30 years of valuation experience to every ESOP engagement. The stability of our staff and our long-standing relationships with clients assure consistency of the valuation methodology and the quality of analysis for which we are known.

We are active members of The ESOP Association and the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), and our professionals are regular speakers on topics related to ESOP valuation. Each of the senior analytical professionals of Mercer Capital has extensive ESOP valuation experience, providing primary senior-level leadership on multiple ESOP engagements every year.

Mercer Capital offers the following ESOP Advisory and Valuation Services on behalf of ESOP Trustees and Plan Sponsors:

  • ESOP feasibility assistance and preliminary valuation
  • ESOP appraisal review
  • Fairness opinions for ESOP installations, plan terminations, and other material financial events
  • Complex ESOP transactions and financing structures
  • ESOP related litigation and dispute resolution
  • ESOP sponsor company M&A
  • Annual ESOP plan valuations
  • ESOP second-stage transactions

For assistance concerning financial institutions and banks, contact Andy Gibbs or Jeff Davis. For all other industry verticals and operating companies, contact Tim Lee or Nick Heinz.