Mercer Capital is proud to be a Business Sponsor of the Dallas Bar Association’s (DBA) 2022 New Member Reception. The reception will be held February 17, 2022 at the Arts District Mansion, Home of the Dallas Bar Association, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Mercer Capital’s Bryce Erickson, ASA, MRICS, Alex Barry, CFA, and Mary Jane McCaghren will be in attendance.
The DBA is an organization of attorneys dedicated to the continuing education of its members as well as public service programs and the improvement of the administration of justice. This event is honoring the newest DBA members and licensed attorneys.
Bryce, Senior Vice President, has been involved with hundreds of valuation and related engagements since his entry into the valuation profession in 1998. These engagements have been conducted for the purposes of mergers and acquisitions, buyouts, buy-sell agreements, financial reporting, estate and gift taxes, allocation of purchase price, litigation support, financing, and business planning.
Alex, Vice President, has extensive experience providing valuation and corporate advisory services for purposes including litigation support, estate and gift tax planning and compliance matters, fairness opinions, employee stock ownership plans, buy-sell agreements, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate planning and reorganizations.
Mary Jane, Senior Financial Analyst, has valuation experience in engagements related to corporate planning and reorganizations, financial reporting, fairness opinions, litigation support, employee stock ownership plans, and estate and gift tax planning and compliance matters.