Mercer Capital is pleased to announce that Karolina Calhoun, CPA/ABV/CFF was named one of 26 young CPAs to receive the Forensic and Valuation Services (FVS) Standing Ovation award for her contribution to both her specialty area in accounting and the local community. Recipients of this award were honored earlier this month at the 2018 AICPA FVS Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
“The CPAs receiving ‘standing ovation’ honors at this year’s FVS Conference are helping to move the profession in a positive direction,” said Jeannette Koger, CPA, CGMA, vice president of advisory services and credentialing for the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. “From serving as mentors and leading recruiting efforts within firms to guest speaking at universities and participating in mock trials at law schools, this year’s Standing Ovation honorees have helped the profession and their communities in a number of different ways.”
As a member of the firm’s Litigation Group, Karolina provides valuation and forensics services for family law, gift & estate planning, commercial litigation, transactions (M&A), and further matters related to privately held businesses, dissenting shareholders, intellectual property, personal goodwill, etc. With her forensics accreditation, she provides economic and financial damages studies, asset tracing, lost profits, and lifestyle analysis.