Bryce Erickson, ASA, MRICS, Senior Vice President, is on the agenda to participate in the Choice, Governance & Acquisition of Entities Webcast. This event is sponsored by the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Texas and will take place on May 22, 2020.
He will be co-presenting the session “Acquisitions and Dispositions (Including Redemptions) of LLC Interests in Texas & Delaware After the Tax Reform Act” alongside Matthew D. Cavenaugh (Jackson Walker, LLP), Brady J. Cox (Jackson Walker, LLP), and Jason B. Freeman (Freeman Law, PLLC). The session is approved for 1.25 hrs of CLE (.5 ethics).
Bryce has been involved with hundreds of valuation and related engagements since his entry into the valuation profession in 1998. These engagements have been conducted for the purposes of mergers and acquisitions, buyouts, buy-sell agreements, financial reporting, estate and gift taxes, allocation of purchase price, litigation support, financing, and business planning. In addition, Bryce has experience in valuing a wide variety of intangible assets such as patents, customer lists, trademarks, contracts, and others. Bryce has experience performing lost profits analyses and economic damage studies. He presents on various valuation topics to attorneys, accountants and business professionals for the purposes of educating the public in valuation matters related to gift and estate, mergers and acquisitions and litigation support.
For more information or to register for the event, click here.