July Issue of Bank Watch Available Now

In the July 2013 issue of Bank Watch, we take a look at various articles of interest for community banks from around the web.

Stress Testing

Grant Thornton weighs in on why a community bank should decide to conduct enterprise-wide stress testing: Link: http://mer.cr/bod-stress-test

Promontory also weighs in on stress testing and its importance beyond regulatory compliance in an article here: Link: http://mer.cr/stress-test-compliance

Jay Wilson of Mercer Capital writes on stress testing, specifically for community banks, in the February 2013 issue of BankWatch: Link: http://mer.cr/community-bank-stress-testing

Basel III

The OCC recently issued two guides for community banks related to Basel III and the new capital rules:

Employee Stock Ownership Plans

Josh Patrick discusses employee stock ownership plans (and even references Mercer Capital’s ESOP as a case study) in a New York Times article titled: “The Questions to Ask Before Adopting an ESOP” Link: http://mer.cr/ny-times-esop

Published monthly, there are five regional editions of Bank Watch. Regions covered are the northeast, the midwest, the Atlantic coast, the southeast, and the west. Each issue contains an article of interest to bankers and their advisors, public market indicators, M&A market indicators, as well as a regional peer group.

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