Z. Christopher Mercer, FASA, CFA, ABAR is speaking online in the upcoming webinar of the American Society of Appraisers on October 25th at 12 pm CDT. The two-hour live event will award two CE/CPE hours and is specially designed for business appraisers, business owners, and attorneys involved in the drafting or execution of buy-sell agreements.
Chris will co-present with ASA member Jeffrey S. Tarbell on the topic of “Valuation Provisions in Buy-Sell Agreements.” Both Chris and Jeff will share their decades of experience and explore the various types of buy-sell agreements; commonly-encountered pricing mechanisms and processes; and valuable “practice points” designed to avoid confusion and conflict, and increase the opportunity for a reasonable, timely, and cost-effective resolution.
Chris Mercer is the Chairman of Mercer Capital. He began his valuation career in the late 1970s. He has prepared, overseen, or contributed to hundreds of valuations for purposes related to tax, ESOPs, buy-sell agreements, and litigation, among others. In addition, he has served on the boards of directors of several private companies and one public company. He enjoys working with business owners to address ownership transition issues.
Chris is also the author of the well-referenced book Buy-Sell Agreements for Closely Held and Family Business Owners, (Memphis, TN, Peabody Publishing), 2010.