Taryn E. Burgess is attending the National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) Appalachia Conference October 29 – 31st.
NARO has eleven chartered state organizations. The NARO Appalachia Chapter serves mineral owners in Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina.
Other chapters include Texas, Oklahoma, the Rockies (serving mineral owners in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico) Arkansas, Pennsylvannia, New York, Louisiana, California, North Dakota, and Colorado. All chapters provide education, political action, and state conventions that bring together friends and neighbors from across the nation to keep them informed and working together on issues of importance to their property.
The NARO Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization that has a long established certification program for minerals management. The NARO Foundation will accept gifts of mineral rights to fund future generations’ education so that families can continue to make lease trades that protect the interest and enhance development. NARO also keeps a Washington presence with its National Legislative Council. Meeting annually in Washington, D.C. the NLC is the voice and image of royalty owners to Congress and the myriad of agencies that govern our natural resources.
A key member in our Oil & Gas practice, Taryn publishes research on valuation issues related to the oil & gas industry in the newsletter Value Focus: Energy. She also contributes regularly to Mercer Capital’s Energy Valuation Insights Blog.