Womack Speaking at Lane Gorman Trubitt’s 2023 Controllers’ Roundtable

Scott A. Womack, ASA, WAFF will be speaking at Lane Gorman Trubitt’s 2023 Controllers’ Roundtable on October 19, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas. His session will cover auto dealership valuations and is titled “Winding Road to Blue Sky Value: Important Considerations in Auto Dealer Valuations and Pitfalls to Avoid.”

Scott leads Mercer Capital’s Auto Dealership Industry Team, where he provides valuation services to dealerships throughout the U.S. related to corporate planning and reorganization, transactions, employee stock ownership plans, litigation support, and tax issues as well as valuations of intangible assets, and assets subject to specific contractual restrictions. Scott and his team also consult with auto dealer clients in the process of selling or buying.  Additionally, Scott publishes research related to the auto dealership industry and is a regular contributor to Mercer Capital’s weekly blog, Auto Dealer Valuation Insights. He is often a featured speaker for the auto dealer industry group and is an associate member of the National Auto Dealer Council.