RIA Valuation Insights

A weekly update on issues important to the Investment Management industry


RIA Valuation Insights

Practice Management

Who Should Own Your RIA?

The Best Ownership Model Is One That Supports the Business Model

Aside from the initial startup years, when fledgling RIAs struggle to achieve profitability, the most difficult period that most firms endure is the transition from the founding generation of leadership to G2. For those that make the transition, getting from the second generation to the third, and so forth, is comparatively easy. Much of this difficulty relates to a contemporaneous transition of ownership — not just the identities of the owners but also the structure of the ownership. In this week’s post we look at the four primary RIA ownership models and discuss how to find the best one for your RIA.


What Does the RIA Valuation Process Entail?

As you can imagine, a lot of prospective clients want to know what the RIA valuation process entails. They’re often taken aback when we tell them it typically takes six to eight weeks from start to finish, but that’s probably because they don’t realize what it all entails if they’ve never had one done. For this week’s post, we’ll channel our inner Nick Saban and focus on the typical valuation process for RIAs.


Personal Goodwill: Implications for RIAs

Goodwill is an intangible asset representing the value of a business beyond its tangible book value. Investment management businesses generally have plenty of value beyond their tangible book value. Therefore, they have lots of goodwill that can be attributed to factors like the firm’s client relationships, the recurring revenue model, brand recognition, or employee expertise. Goodwill and the distinction between personal and enterprise goodwill can have important economic consequences in RIA transactions and disputes. Learn more in this week’s post.

Current Events Industry Trends Wealth Management

Reviewing 2024 RIA Performance: Wealth Management

The wealth management industry experienced remarkable growth in 2024, driven by robust market performance, inflation cooling, and shifts in monetary policy. Contrary to earlier concerns of economic instability, the year delivered substantial growth across the RIA sector, signaling resilience and adaptability in an ever-changing financial landscape. As the wealth management industry looks to 2025 and beyond, the dual drivers of demographic change and technological innovation will play a pivotal role in shaping its future. Firms that effectively embrace these trends—by deepening client relationships and harnessing cutting-edge technology—stand to emerge as leaders in an increasingly dynamic and competitive market.

Industry Trends

RIA M&A Update: Q4 2024

M&A activity in the RIA industry, which had been trailing 2023 levels for much of 2024, experienced a dramatic surge in October. This spike set a new record for monthly deal volume and brought year-to-date transaction figures through November in line with 2023’s pace. In this week’s post, we look at the convergence of factors driving a surge in M&A activity within the RIA industry and what that means for your RIA.

Industry Trends

RIA Market Update: Q4 2024

RIAs continued to outperform the S&P in Q4 2024, with alternative asset managers boasting an impressive 60% price gain year-over-year. In 2024, traditional investment managers saw the strongest AUM growth, while alternative managers proved better at converting this growth to revenue. We explore further in our Q4 2024 Market Update.

Industry Trends

‘Twas the Blog Before Christmas

It has become a tradition for the RIA team at Mercer Capital to end the blog year with a “unique” annual summary of industry events, riffing off Clement Clark Moore’s classic “A Visit from St. Nicholas.” We hope all of you in the investment management community are enjoying the holiday season and looking forward to the many opportunities of the new year. We look forward to hearing from you in 2025. For now, please enjoy the finest only holiday poem written about money management.

Practice Management Valuation

Are Difficult Partner Discounts Applicable to RIAs?

A few months ago, our team attended a business appraisal conference in Portland, Oregon, where we learned about a case involving a “Difficult Partner Discount.” Since we’re often hired when business owners can’t agree on price, we’re well aware of partnership disputes, but are pretty confident we’ve never directly applied a “Difficult Partner Discount” to the value of a business or interest therein. That doesn’t mean that partner disputes and departures can’t significantly impair the value of a company, which we address in this post.

Practice Management

The Four Types of RIAs

And What It Means for Practice Management

No two RIAs are identical but broadly speaking, firms that seek to serve the same types of clients tend to end up with similar-looking business models. A firm’s structure tends to reflect the types of clients the firm seeks to serve and the value proposition it offers to those clients. The result is that firms tend to cluster around a handful of distinct models, and identifying what those models are and how they differ can be a useful exercise both in analyzing a particular firm and in thinking about practice management issues.

Current Events Industry Trends

Recap or Rescue?

CI Financial Has One Kind of Leverage, ADIA Has Another

Abu Dhabi has been on a buying spree, announcing this week that their sovereign wealth fund was acquiring CI Financial, taking it private just over a year after a Bain-led consortium invested US$1 billion in the publicly traded investment management firm. We suspect the terms of the Bain deal formed the predicate to this week’s announcement.


Whitepaper Release: Purchase Price Allocations for RIAs

There’s been a great deal of interest in RIA acquisitions in recent years from a diverse group of buyers ranging from consolidators, other RIAs, banks, diversified financial services companies, and private equity. These acquirers have been drawn to RIA acquisitions due to the high margins, recurring revenue, low capital needs, and sticky client bases that RIAs often offer. Following these transactions, acquirers are generally required under accounting standards to perform what is known as a purchase price allocation, or PPA. In this whitepaper, we describe the PPA process, including attributes unique to the investment management industry.

Current Events

How Will Trump’s Second Term Affect the RIA Industry?

Now that the dust has finally settled on the 2024 election, we can turn our attention to its expected impact on the investment management industry. One of the most impactful expected changes is new leadership at the SEC and a reversal of the prior administration’s ESG and crypto initiatives. It’s difficult to say how the market is digesting these prospective changes in the RIA industry, but the coming weeks will likely determine if the current SEC chairman is stepping down and who Trump’s appointee might be. In this week’s post we review these potential changes and their expected impact on the industry.

Practice Management Valuation

Organic Growth and RIA Valuations

Organic growth is a key metric for the RIA industry, and it’s one that varies widely across firms. As such, it’s a key differentiator between firms, and it’s also an impactful assumption in determining a firm’s value. In this week’s post we explore organic growth trends in the industry and the impact of organic growth on valuation.

Practice Management Valuation

Component Analysis of RIA Returns

A Method to Examine Valuation, Risk Management, and Return Optimization

A racecar is an example of something that, as a whole, is greater than the sum of its parts. An RIA is another example. But, breaking down an RIA into constituent functions yields certain understandings that cannot be seen clearly by focusing on the whole. In this post, we think about what can be learned from component analysis of RIA returns.

Alternative Asset Managers Current Events Transactions

RIA Aggregator Investments Trick or Treat

Are Longer Holding Periods a Viable PE Strategy or Just an Extend-and-Pretend Tactic?

A recent CityWire article noted that private equity firms are extending their holding periods for RIA aggregator firms to take advantage of the industry’s higher margins and long-term growth prospects. This stalling tactic shouldn’t spook their LPs since the RIA sector is renowned for its recurring revenue, above-average margins, and demonstrated ability to grow cash flows over an extended period of time. Not many industries have businesses that can sustain The Rule of 40, which posits that venture investors prefer to invest in businesses in which the profit margin plus the growth rate adds up to at least 40%. The investment management industry is a notable exception since it typically boasts EBITDA margins in the 20% to 30% range and annualized growth in revenue on the order of 10% to 15%. So what’s so scary about paying +15x EBITDA for these businesses? We explore in this week’s post.

Alternative Asset Managers Industry Trends

Alternative Asset Managers Outperform as RIA Sector Gains Momentum

Alternative asset managers fared particularly well during favorable market conditions for the RIA sector. Over the past year, both alternative asset managers and large RIAs (with assets under management, or AUM, exceeding $250 billion) outperformed the S&P 500, achieving gains of 64.6% and 37.7%, respectively. As these dynamics continue into Q4 2024, the outlook for continued multiple expansion and robust deal activity for alternative asset managers remains favorable.

Industry Trends Transactions

RIA M&A Update: Q3 2024

Following a year where deal volume in the RIA industry nearly matched the all-time high of 2022, RIA M&A activity has cooled in 2024. Fidelity’s September 2024 Wealth Management M&A Transaction Report listed 155 deals through September 2024, down 11% from the 174 deals executed during the same period in 2023. As RIA deal activity experienced a greater decline than the broader M&A market, we explore what this means for your RIA.

Industry Trends

RIA Market Update: Q3 2024

RIAs outperformed the S&P in the third quarter of 2024, with alternative asset managers experiencing the strongest returns amid multiple expansion. All groups examined experienced growth in AUM and revenue year-over-year. We explore further in our Q3 2024 Market Update.

Margins and Compensation Practice Management

Striking the Right Balance Between Margins and Compensation

In the investment management world, evaluating a firm’s margin isn’t as simple as “more is better.” For RIAs, margin reflects efficiency, but it also reflects the firm’s tradeoffs with compensation.  Investment management is a talent business, and striking the right balance between margin and employee compensation that allows the firm to attract, retain, and incentivize talent is critical to an RIA’s success.

Current Events

Does This Presidential Election Matter to the RIA Industry?

For some reason, we get this question every four years or so: does this election matter to the RIA industry? Let’s start by saying that with all of the hot-button issues the candidates are currently squabbling about, the RIA industry does not appear to be top of mind for the former president and current vice president. We, therefore, have to step back and think about what either candidate’s election would mean for the broader financial services industry, taxes, and stock market returns, which we cover in this week’s post.

Current Events Practice Management

Funding Your RIA’s Buy-Sell with Life Insurance Just Got Much Harder

SCOTUS Compels Closely-Held Business Owners to Review a Potential Problem in Their Ownership Agreement

As long as I can remember, RIAs and other closely-held businesses have used corporate owned life insurance to fund redemption provisions in buy-sell agreements. That practice is now in doubt, as the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that entity-purchased life insurance is additive to value for fair market value purposes. Has SCOTUS rendered what was long-standing conventional wisdom useless, or is the ruling subject to interpretation? Time will tell. For now, readers of this blog post will want to study the ruling and its implications for their own buy-sell agreements.

Asset Management Valuation

Valuing Asset Managers

Read our updated complimentary whitepaper on valuing asset managers. Understanding the value of an asset management business requires some appreciation for what is simple and what is complex. On one level, a business with almost no balance sheet, a recurring revenue stream, and an expense base that mainly consists of personnel costs could not be more straightforward. At the same time, investment management firms exist in a narrow space between client allocations and the capital markets. They depend on revenue streams that rarely carry contractual obligations and valuable staff members who often are not subject to employment agreements. In essence, RIAs may be both highly profitable and prospectively ephemeral. Balancing the risks and opportunities of a particular investment management firm is fundamental to developing a valuation.

Investment Management

Mercer Capital provides RIAs, trust companies, and investment consultants with corporate valuation, litigation support, transaction advisory, and related services