RIA Valuation Insights

A weekly update on issues important to the Investment Management industry


Wealth Management

Current Events

Is Focus Financial an All-Terrain Investment Vehicle?

Management Claims Their Model is Recession Proof; Unfortunately, it isn’t Analyst Proof.

Last week was turbulent for equities around the globe, but Focus Financial (Nasdaq: FOCS) was hit particularly hard.  Less than five months since IPO, Focus closed Friday at $27.45, decidedly below where the offering priced at $33, and not much more than half the share price achieved less than three months ago.

How Generational Differences Should Define Advisors’ Interactions with Clients

A Review of The Gen-Savvy Financial Advisor by Cam Marston

Generational differences were prominent as I spent time with my grandparents, parents, and cousins over the Thanksgiving Holiday.  But why and how should Financial Advisors take note of these differences as they market and structure their services to meet the needs of different age groups?

Asset Management Industry Trends

The Haves and Have-Nots of the RIA Industry

Despite the old maxim of a rising tide lifting all boats, the current markets are clearly more buoyant for wealth management firms than asset management firms.  Many asset managers are trading at or near all-time lows from a valuation perspective, while financial advisory shops continue to accumulate client assets.  For this week’s post, we’ll take a closer look at this trend, and what it means for the broader industry.


Does the Money Management Industry Need Consolidation?

The investment management industry is characterized by scores of independent firms who have found success in idiosyncrasy, providing clients a limitless variety of paths and approaches to common investment dilemmas.  Some would suggest that this is the source of the industry’s strength, but not everyone agrees, as evidenced by the Focus Financial IPO two weeks ago.

Wealth Management Industry: Opportunities Abound Despite Headwinds

Wealth management firms have fared well in recent years on the back of rising markets, but the underlying drivers suggest an industry in flux; global investible assets are at all time highs, intergenerational wealth transfer is accelerating, and FinTech products are poised to disrupt.  Yet, many analysts are skeptical about the industry’s prospects.  Rising global wealth means that there are more assets for wealth managers to manage, and intergenerational wealth transfer means that there are also more opportunities to gain (and lose) clients.  FinTech products threaten competition, but also offer efficiencies for agile firms.  Depending on your point of view, the industry is either poised to grow or on the verge of massive disruption.

Investment Management

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