Family Business Director

Corporate Finance & Planning Insights for Multi-Generational Family Businesses

Capital Budgeting

A Guide to Corporate Finance Fundamentals

Part 3 | Finance Basics: Capital Budgeting

This post is the third of four installments from our Corporate Finance in 30 Minutes whitepaper. In this series of posts, we walk through the three key decisions of capital structure, capital budgeting, and dividend policy to assist family business directors and shareholders without a finance background to make relevant and meaningful contributions to the most consequential financial decisions all companies must make. This week, we focus on capital budgeting.

Shareholder Engagement

Innovation and Family Wealth

Recently published academic research from Vasiliki Kosmidou and Manju K. Ahuja highlights the relationship between innovation and family wealth. Our goal in this post is to introduce some of the authors’ most relevant findings to family business directors, translating, as we do, into a less academic idiom.

Special Topics

Q&A: Five Questions with Edward Jackson

Addressing topics such as share redemption programs to the role of non-family directors in a family business, Family Business Director speaks with board member Edward Jackson of H.G. Hill Realty Company for his insights on questions common to family businesses. This post is part of a series of interviews with family business leaders and experienced advisors.

Special Topics

Summer Reading

Family Business Director is off enjoying 4th of July festivities this week. For our readers that are looking for some beach reading, we thought we would direct your attention to some of our more popular posts in case you missed them the first time around.

Capital Structure

A Guide to Corporate Finance Fundamentals

Part 2 | Finance Basics: Capital Structure

This post is the second of four installments from our Corporate Finance in 30 Minutes whitepaper. In this series of posts, we walk through the three key decisions of capital structure, capital budgeting, and dividend policy to assist family business directors and shareholders without a finance background to make relevant and meaningful contributions to the most consequential financial decisions all companies must make. This week, we focus on capital structure.


Planning for Estate Taxes To-Do List

As a part of a series of to-do lists aimed at ensuring the long-term sustainability of your family business, this week’s to-do list focuses on eliminating unwanted surprises related to the estate tax. Part of this means adequately preparing shareholders to manage their emerging liabilities.


A Taxing Matter for Family Businesses

Family business owners cite different motives for investing their time, energy, and savings into building successful businesses. Most family business owners have the desire to provide financially for their heirs.  As a result, one of the most common concerns such owners cite is the ability to transfer ownership of the family business to the next generation in the most tax-efficient way.


Why Your Family Business Has More Than One Value

It is understandably frustrating for family business directors when the simple question – what is our family business worth? – elicits a complicated answer.  While we would certainly prefer to give a simple answer, the reality a valuation is attempting to describe is not simple.

The answer depends on why the question is being asked.  We know that sounds suspect, but in this post, we will demonstrate why it’s not.  Let’s consider three potential scenarios that require three different answers.

Shareholder Engagement

Tailoring Financial Decisions to the Meaning of Your Family Business

In a previous post, we identified the four basic economic meanings that a family business can have. For some families, the business is an economic growth engine for future generations. For others, the family business is a store of value. Alternatively, the family business can be a source of wealth accumulation or a source of lifestyle for family members.

As noted, there are certain family and business characteristics that can help family members discern what meaning “fits” their circumstances best. The meaning of the family business, in turn, has implications for the dividend policy, reinvestment, and financing decisions for the family business. In this post, we examine how the meaning of the family business influences these corporate finance decisions.

Consulting Services

Family Business Advisory Services

Mercer Capital provides financial education services and other strategic financial consulting to family businesses