ROIC for Family Businesses in 5 Minutes

Planning & Strategy Special Topics

Revenue growth and profitability are critical measures for the health of any family business, but by themselves, they tell only half of the story. As a family business director, you need the whole story. We’re not aware if Paul Harvey was a financial analyst, but if he were, we suspect his favorite performance metric would have been return on invested capital (ROIC), because it tells you the Rest of the Story.

Don’t forget to check out our dedicated family business site. The Family Business On Demand Resource Center is a one-stop shop for enterprising families and their advisors facing the financial challenges that are common to family businesses.  There, you’ll find a curated and organized diverse collection of resources from our staff of family business professionals, including more 5-minute videosarticleswhitepapersbooks, and research studies.

The perspectives we offer here are rooted in our experiences at Mercer Capital, working with hundreds of enterprising families in thousands of engagements over the past forty years. Our main focus is on the financial challenges faced by family businesses like yours. There’s nothing else like it, and we look forward to your visit.