Available: FinTech Industry Newsletter Second Quarter 2015

Each quarter, Mercer Capital’s FinTech Industry newsletter provides an overview of the FinTech industry, including public market performance, valuation multiples for public FinTech companies, and industry articles of interest. Highlights of this quarter’s Value Focus: FinTech include the following:

  • With fundings and venture capital interest in FinTech continuing to grow, we have a timely article entitled “How to Value FinTech Venture Capital Portfolio Investments
  • We take a look at key public market performance indicators for FinTech companies, including recent market pricing, financial performance, and IPO activity.
  • We highlight FinTech M&A activity providing comparisons between the first half of 2015 and the first half of 2014.
  • Additionally, we highlight FinTech venture capital activity in the second quarter of 2015 with a listing of select funding rounds as well as taking a closer look at the peer-to-peer lending industry and peer-to-peer lender, LendingClub.

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