The January 2014 issue of Bank Watch is available now, which features an article by Andy Gibbs titled “2013 Year End Market Recap: Winners and Lesser Winners.”
While many banks chafe under tightening regulatory policy directed by the Federal Reserve and other agencies, the Fed’s monetary policy has, however, created favorable conditions for equity investors. Likewise, the Fed’s monetary policy has compressed spreads on credit-sensitive assets and negated the return on holding liquidity. From bank management’s perspective, these conditions have led to continued deterioration in asset yields, pressure to extend loan portfolio durations, and few remaining alternatives to reduce funding costs. In sum, the Federal Reserve and other agencies have created conditions that complicate bank managers’ decision making – namely, greater regulatory burdens and the effects of a prolonged low interest rate period. However, the Fed’s monetary policy also has created conditions ripe for expansion of banks’ stock prices.
In performing a post mortem on a concluded year, it is often instructive to separate banks experiencing positive and negative returns, and then search for common characteristics distinguishing the two groups. In 2013, however, the “winner” and “loser” analogy appears less descriptive of the year. Therefore, we adopt the terms “winners” and “lesser winners.”
In addition, three recent transactions are announced. This issue also includes a link to Mercer Capital’s newest quarterly industry newsletter, FinTech Watch.
This complimentary newsletter focuses on the financial technology industry, providing information on corporate valuation, financial reporting, transaction advisory, and related topics.
Click here to subscribe today.
The January 2014 issue also contains links to various articles of interest, as well as public market indicators, M&A market indicators, and key indices of the top financial institutions in the U.S., providing insight into financial institution valuation issues.
For a complimentary subscription, click here.