Mercer Capital’s Laboratory Services Industry Newsletter is a biannual publication providing perspective on valuation issues pertinent to Laboratory Service professionals. The Laboratory Services newsletter highlights the following segments: Medical Testing Labs, Life Sciences Tools & Services, Environmental & Facilities Services, Other Labs & Related Services. Each issue includes typically includes market overview, mergers and acquisitions review, guideline company pricing, and more.
Excerpting from the discussion:
The Laboratory Services industry has experienced favorable performance over the last five years as the industry’s revenue increased at an average annual rate of 4.7% between 2009 and 2014, reaching an estimated $17.7 billion in 2014.
Most recently, the industry has been the beneficiary of increasing environmental, industrial, and medical regulation promoting demand for lab services. In addition to expanding regulatory regimes, influential growth factors include the aging population, industry consolidation, pharmacogenomics/companion diagnostics, cost pressures, and regulation.
To read the entire write up, download the newsletter (pdf) here.
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