RIA Valuation Insights

A weekly update on issues important to the Investment Management industry

Margins and Compensation

RIA Margins – How Does Your Firm’s Margin Affect Its Value?

An RIA’s margin is a simple, easily observable figure that encompasses a range of underlying considerations about a firm that are more difficult to measure, resulting in a convenient shorthand for how well the firm is doing.  Does a firm have the right people in the right roles?  Is the firm charging enough for the services it is providing?  Does the firm have enough–but not too much—overhead for its size?  The answers to all of these questions (and more) are condensed into the firm’s margin.

Alternative Asset Managers Asset Management

2020 Alternative Asset Manager Update

Are Sustainable Investments the Future of Investment Management?

The market for sustainable investments has grown to over $12 trillion in the U.S. and the movement of investable assets into sustainable strategies is expected to accelerate. In this week’s post, we link to the newly published 2020 Alternative Asset Manager Update authored by Taryn Burgess, CFA, ABV. The update reviews the growth of sustainable investing over the last decade and considers the valuation implications for your RIA.

Current Events

2020: Too Good To Be True?

Despite Harrowing Moments, the RIA Community Is Prospering

Now, after seven months of living with the pandemic, there is still no end in sight.  We might only be halfway!  But despite the barrage of challenges, the RIA community has embraced WFH, profited from buoyant markets, and resumed a relentless pace of M&A.  It has been, if very strangely, a very good year. Is this a sign of industry resilience?  Or an awful lot of luck? 

Transactions Wealth Management

Low Rates and NIM Margins Spur Bank Interest in the Wealth Management Sector

Executives Seek Revenue Streams That Aren’t Tied to Interest Rate Movements

COVID-19 adversely affected sector M&A for a couple of months when most of the U.S. was under shelter at home/safer in place orders. However, deal activity is recovering quickly and now could be further accelerated as banks look to replace lost interest income with fee-based revenue. An increasing number of clients on the banking side of our practice are showing interest in the wealth management space, and it’s easy to understand why. Long-term rates hovering at historic lows have significantly impaired net interest margins, so banks are exploring other income sources to fill the void. Wealth management is a natural place to start since so many banks already offer financial advisory services of one form or another.

Industry Trends

Continuation of Market Rebound Drives Most Categories of Publicly Traded RIAs Higher in Q3

RIA Market Update

Share prices for publicly traded asset and wealth managers have trended upward during the second and third quarters after collapsing in mid-March with the broader market.  Alt asset managers have fared well over the last year as volatility and depressed asset prices have created an opportunity to deploy dry power and raise new funds in certain asset classes.  Traditional asset and wealth managers have generally moved in line with the broader equity market, while leveraged RIA aggregators have seen more volatility, both up and down, as the market bottomed in March before trending upward.

Margins and Compensation

How Growing RIAs Should Structure Their Income Statement (Part II)

Compensation Conundrums

Personnel costs are by far the largest expense item on an RIA’s P&L, but we’ve found significant variation in how RIA owners think about compensating their employees (and themselves).  This is the second post of a two-part series on compensation best practices for growing investment managers which focuses on how to structure partner compensation. 

Margins and Compensation

How Growing RIAs Should Structure Their Income Statement (Part I)

Compensation Conundrums

Personnel costs are by far the largest expense item on an RIA’s P&L, but we’ve found significant variation in how RIA owners think about compensating their employees (and themselves).  We’ll devote the next two posts to discussing best practices from an outsider’s perspective. This week, we address how to structure employee compensation when you are not ready to bring on an equity partner.

Current Events

The Investment Management Sector Is Being Bombarded … With Money

What Do You Do When Liquidity Matters More Than Fundamentals?

After the initial punditry on whether or not the 2020 market crash/recession and recovery would be “L” shaped, “U” shaped, “V” shaped, or “W” shaped, it has become clear that the recovery is “K” shaped, with higher-skilled and higher paying jobs recovering rapidly, and many lower-skill, lower-paying jobs declining.  What does this mean for RIAs?  Most RIA clients are higher-income professionals who are paying more attention to their investment portfolios in this environment – not less.   Bullish for clients = bullish for the industry.

Investment Management

Mercer Capital provides RIAs, trust companies, and investment consultants with corporate valuation, litigation support, transaction advisory, and related services