RIA Valuation Insights

A weekly update on issues important to the Investment Management industry

Industry Trends

Three Takeaways from the CFA Institute’s Wealth Management Conference in Los Angeles

Several topics were discussed at the CFA Institute’s Wealth Management Conference, most of which centered around financial planning, practice management, and servicing private clients with evolving needs and return requirements.  Though we weren’t able to attend all the sessions, we did pick up on a few themes from our discussions with the attendees and other exhibitors. In this week’s post, we further discuss those themes.

Current Events

Your RIA May Qualify for the QBI Deduction, But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) introduces the Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction as a partial offset to the bill’s reduction in the relative tax efficiency of pass through entities (S corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships) versus C corporations.  Still, many RIAs will not be eligible for the deduction, and those that do will have a lot to keep in mind as it pertains to reasonable compensation levels and investment income.  We’ll try to sort it all out for you in this week’s post.

Current Events

Q4 Call Reports

Triadic Effects of the New Tax Law

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been especially beneficial to the RIA sector, as lower corporate tax rates has had a positive impact on equity markets, boosting AUM and earnings, which are now taxed at lower rates.  Many firms are still assessing the full impact of tax reform, but what is clear is that lower corporate tax rates in 2018 will give asset mangers increased flexibility in capital management, M&A activity, and technology investment.  As we do every quarter, we take a look at some of the earnings commentary of pacesetters in asset management to gain further insight into the challenges and opportunities developing in the industry.

Current Events

S Corp RIAs Disadvantaged by the Tax Bill

New but Unimproved

We covered much of what we think the new tax bill will mean to RIA valuations in last week’s blogpost – and it’s mostly good news.  The “rest of the story” involves the bill’s impact on shareholder returns for RIAs structured as tax pass-thru entities (S corporations, LLCs, Partnerships), for which the news is not so buoyant.

Investment Management

Mercer Capital provides RIAs, trust companies, and investment consultants with corporate valuation, litigation support, transaction advisory, and related services