‘Twas the Blog Before Christmas…

2021 Mercer Capital Auto Dealer Holiday Quiz

Special Topics

‘Twas the Blog before Christmas, when all dealers’ lots
Looked barren and empty, with many open spots
Who would have thought, record profits a plenty
When number of new units, dipped below twenty

The dealers were huddled all behind closed blinds
While visions of good fortunes raced in their minds
How could there be soaring margins and GPUs
Surely this microchip shortage has us confused

When out on lots EV models arose at dusk
Sent by Ford, Rivian, even Saint Elon Musk
Away to their closet to look for their sweats
From early days shutter to looking their best

These dealers ate take-out before shedding pounds
To improve expenses, SGA gains found
When, what to their wondering eyes should appeal
But, large valuations and many, big deals

With large bidding wars and multiples so high
They knew in a moment it must be Blue Sky
More ride share, fleet sales, challenges they all came
In months, time to advertise for the Big Game

Now Congress! Now planning! Now Estate and tax rates!
Let the Auto Team at Mercer consult your fates
To the end of the month! To a Happy New Year!
Now dash away! Dash away! Holidays and cheer!

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