‘Twas the Blog Before Christmas…

2022 Mercer Capital Auto Dealer Holiday Poem

Special Topics

‘Twas the Night before Christmas, when all through the lot
No vehicle was stirring, no customer ‘Bot
All service lanes and lifts were empty and bare
In hopes that the technicians soon would be there.

Our analysts report yet another great year
Despite a war in Ukraine and other big fears
Record profits and operations in fixed
Here we go again with allocations nixed.

When most in the industry can boast of success
Let’s tip our glasses in hopes ‘chips be in excess
Now it’s time to ponder, look back and review
To our past Blog topics that interested you.

Is the industry shifting to directly sell?
Will Ford follow Tesla, or only time will tell?
The dealership model protected by state law;
Turns out different than anyone foresaw?

Many market disruptors appear on the scene
How will they perform? and what does it all mean?
From ride share to tall machines, ready to vend
Will they be successful, or come to an end?

EVs continue to dominate headlines
By 2030 ICE vehicles may draw fines
And will there be enough stations to charge
Or will constraints on the power grid be too large.

Cars are ever changing, some may even call smart
Connecting infotainment and data by part
Then there are vehicles and sports of power
Gaining popularity hour by hour.

Now Penske!  Now Sonic! Auto Nation, Group 1!
Gupta, Smoke, other researchers join in the fun
To listen by quarter to each earnings call
Will Q4 be the one where revenues fall?

Each passing month reports production by the SAAR
Wondering where have we been; where we currently are
How it all translates to multiples so high
Best to be explained by metric called Blue Sky.

Then events bring industry and sport together
Just as the calendar, ever changing weather
From the recent World Cup to upcoming ‘Bowl
Advertisers, teams will be ready to roll.

Wishing you joyful season with merry and glee
We will be blogging again in 2023
Mercer Auto Team will now fade out of sight
Merry Christmas to all, and to all good night!

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