Personal vs. Enterprise Goodwill: Issues to Consider in Divorce Valuations

For this month’s edition of Family Law Valuation and Forensic Insights, we revisit a timely article on personal vs. enterprise goodwill. This topic is especially relevant as our family law team gears up to speak in a BVR webinar this week titled, “Personal vs. Enterprise Goodwill in Valuations for Divorce.” Registration for this webinar is linked below.

What Is Goodwill?

Goodwill is the difference between the value of a business less its tangible net assets such as fixed assets.  Goodwill is synonymous with intangible assets, and the value of a business is the value of tangible assets + value of intangible assets. Some of the intangible assets can be separated and valued, such as assembled workforce; others fall into the catch-all goodwill category.

What Is Personal Goodwill?

Personal goodwill generally is interpreted as representing attributes that are unique to, and inseparable from, an individual, not able to be transferred. The other portion of goodwill, referred to as enterprise or business goodwill, generally is interpreted as representing value that is owned and/ or that has been created by an enterprise and that can be transferred.

Attributes typically classified within the personal goodwill category include the following:

  • Personality
  • Reputation
  • Personal skill, expertise and knowledge
  • Personal relationships

In essence, personal goodwill is represented by certain attributes that are deemed to be incorporated into the very being of an individual, and, therefore, are unable to be sold or transferred to another individual.

What Is Enterprise Goodwill?

Identifiable intangible assets typically classified within the enterprise goodwill category include the following:

  • Trademarks and trade names
  • Patented and unpatented technology
  • Copyrights
  • Customer lists and relationships (patient files/records)
  • Contracts (employment, noncompete agreements)
  • Phone number
  • Leasehold
  • Trained and assembled workforce
  • Location

Why and How Is Personal Goodwill Important?

Many states identify and distinguish between personal goodwill and enterprise goodwill, and further allocate that . This may have a significant impact on the division of the marital estate. However, beyond the business valuation and division, the income derived from the personal goodwill may still be factored into division and/or future support, depending on the state.

Is Personal Goodwill More Common in Professional Services Industries?

Yes – personal goodwill tends to be more prevalent in certain industries than others and varies from matter to matter. The concept of personal goodwill is easier identified and more prevalent in professional service industries such as law practices, accounting firms, and physician practices. Does that mean it doesn’t apply to other industries such as retail, manufacturing, transportation, etc? In order to evaluate the potential carve-out of personal goodwill in an industry/business, the owner/ principal would have to exhibit a unique set of skills that specifically translates to the heightened performance of their business, unable to be transferred to another person/business.

The Goodwill Transition from Personal to Enterprise, Relative to Business Size

The image below illustrates the relationship of changing attributes of business size relative to proportion personal versus business/enterprise goodwill.

Source: BVR’s Guide to Personal v. Enterprise Goodwill

The inverse relationship between business size and percentage allocation makes intuitive sense. One person can only work so much, and their personal impact cannot be scaled like an enterprise, increasing the value attributable to the platform, i.e. the business itself.


There is no one-size-fits-all methodology or approach to allocating personal vs. enterprise goodwill. It will depend on the industry, history of the company, and relative contributions of the divorcing spouse(s) as well as contributions of all other employees, among other factors. From a theoretical perspective, personal goodwill should show the difference in value of the business with and without the contributions from the divorcing party. Personal goodwill has become a common battleground and the need for supportable analyses and subject matter expertise can greatly assist the marital dissolution process. Mercer Capital has extensive experience in this complex topic across various industries and business sizes.

Navigating Uncertainty: Estate Planning Amid IRS Changes and Tax Reforms

Recent reports indicate the current administration’s intent for major changes related to the staffing, structure, and operations of the Internal Revenue Service. Layoffs of as much as 50% of IRS personnel logically equate to a significant reduction in enforcement activity.

As a further complication for estate planning, sunset provisions of the 2017 TCJA loom at the end of the year. Legislation has been introduced in both the House1 and Senate2 to “permanently repeal” the federal estate and generation skipping taxes.

These events converge to result in an environment of significant uncertainty for federal estate tax planning.

Some taxpayers may conclude that they may be able to devote less attention to estate and gift tax reporting matters. Other taxpayers may think that they can skip planning for federal estate taxes under the guise of permanent repeal.

We believe that prudent federal estate and gift tax planning involves a lifetime horizon with adherence to best practices that yield optimal outcomes. Enforcement levels during one administration do not provide a precedent for the enforcement activities of a future administration.

Importantly, due to the lifetime structure of the estate and gift tax regime in the United States, gift tax transactions are subject to inquiry or examination at death.

With respect to estate tax “repeal,” even if such legislation is enacted, the fact that both the House and Senate proposals do not repeal the gift tax strongly suggests that Congress wants the discretion to bring back the estate tax at a future date.

For estate planning that involves the transfers of material interests in privately held business interests, best practices include thoughtful planning, execution and reporting of such transfers that often provide the foundation for intergenerational wealth planning. Foremost in the taxpayer’s arsenal is the Adequate Disclosure Regulations for Gifts. Adherence to the criteria in these regulations provides taxpayers with a proactive approach to start the three-year statute of limitations that commences upon filing of the gift tax return.

In conclusion, estate planning for the long-term is the best course of action.

Those individuals currently subject to estate tax exposure are well-advised to continue periodic planning activities and keep current planning architectures in place.

Given the systematic fiscal challenges facing the federal government, taxpayers who maintain a course of consistent and vigilant estate planning will be best positioned to achieve their planning objectives and successfully thwart future challenges once the pendulum of enforcement activity and tax policies inevitably swing in the opposite direction.

A Cautiously Optimistic Outlook for Bank M&A: AOBA 2025 Recap

We recently attended Bank Director’s 2025 Acquire or Be Acquired Conference (“AOBA”) in Phoenix, Arizona.  AOBA is a two-and-a-half-day conference that covers a wide range of topics, including the nuts and bolts of bank M&A, an overview of bank valuation trends and drivers, growth strategies (both organic and inorganic), and FinTech strategies.

Phoenix’s warm and sunny weather reflected the generally optimistic and upbeat mood of the 2025 conference.  We discuss three primary themes below that stuck out to us.

Banks Turned a Corner in 2024

This theme was noted in several sessions, and the data observed for publicly traded banks was often cited as evidence of the turnaround.  Small-cap publicly traded banks experienced negative returns in 2022, 2023, and the first half of 2024.  On average, publicly traded bank’s earnings per share declined in 2023 and 2024.  This reflected a combination of headwinds, including NIM compression, higher operating expenses, slower growth, and increased provision expense (although credit quality and the macro economy generally remained strong from 2022-2024, pockets like CRE in certain markets/niches began to impact provisions for some banks).

However, a shift in sentiment appeared to occur in mid-2024, and small-cap banks increased 23% in the second half of the year.  This reflected that sentiment began to shift towards a no (or perhaps extremely soft) landing for the economy, the uninverted yield curve, and bank net interest margins and cost of funds bottoming out in mid-2024.  This provided a foundation for banks from which NIM expansion could occur and a tailwind for EPS growth in 2025.  For 2025, EPS growth was forecast to be driven by a combination of NIM expansion from lower funding costs, higher yields as legacy assets continue to mature and/or reprice higher, and higher loan growth.

In addition to the more optimistic earnings outlook, it was noted that capital market availability for banks (opportunities to raise capital through debt and equity issuances) was on the rise.  Several presenters noted evidence of this trend, with a few common equity raises by banks in the second half of 2024 that helped fund M&A, inorganic growth, and/or balance sheet repositioning.  Earnings and capital growth were expected to fuel banks to position themselves for organic or inorganic growth (through M&A) in 2025.

Optimism That Bank M&A Will Accelerate

Consistent with the theme of turning the corner and greater capital market availability for M&A, there was noted optimism that bank M&A will accelerate in 2025.  The reasons cited beyond banks generally turning the corner include the following:

  • Pent-Up M&A Demand. The number of announced transactions and % contraction in the industry was below the long-term averages for the last few years.  This has created a backlog of would-be sellers and buyers that could lead to enhanced discussions and merger activity as conditions improve.
  • Buyer Needs. Elements that exist for buyers that could enhance M&A include capital market availability, a continued focus on improving efficiency and returns by achieving greater scale, the need to diversify and/or enhance loan/deposit mix, expanding geographically, and having improved valuations (relative to year-end 2023) to facilitate using their stock as acquisition currencies in deals.
  • Seller Needs. For sellers, a number of the trends that could be drivers for M&A are an aging management/ownership/board and a need for liquidity for shareholders; a need for additional scale to enhance efficiency, technological, and/or profitability; and relatively low tax rates (present vs. historical).
  • Continued Need for Scale/Size in Light of Competitive Environment.  The growing number of attendees and presenters at AOBA illustrated a talking point that came up in several sessions.  Banking remains a highly competitive marketplace with competition from traditional players (banks, CUs), non-traditional players (non-bank and alternative lenders), and emerging players (FinTechs).  A few sessions discussed at what level of scale a bank needs to be for peak efficiency.  While these discussions often led to further debate than a definitive answer, added size/scale was often cited as necessary to achieve better operating leverage and to have the earnings to fuel necessary investments in staff, facilities, and technology over time.
  • Potential for Less Regulation. Although many sessions noted the significant uncertainty around the regulatory outlook, the potential for a less stringent regulatory environment in light of the changeover in administration is a factor that could lend itself to more M&A.  This potential for a less stringent and more efficient regulatory approval process could shorten timelines to closing and be a tailwind for M&A.

Potential Headwinds to Bank M&A Still Persist

Despite improving conditions and the optimism around bank M&A in 2025 noted above, some of the headwinds that have kept deal and consolidation levels below historical norms in the last ~2 years were also frequent discussion topics in sessions.  A few of the persistent headwinds include the following:

  • Fair Value Marks and Pressure on Pro Forma Capital Ratios. Discounts on acquired assets, particularly long-term fixed rate loans and securities, pressure pro forma tangible capital ratios and may limit the number of viable and interested buyers and reduce buyers’ valuation of the seller for those that remain interested.
  • Scarcity of Buyers. We talked about pent-up demand for M&A, but another aspect that came up in a few sessions is how consolidation over the years has reduced the number of potential buyers willing, able, and interested in acquiring a particular bank.  CUs and private equity have expanded the pool of potential buyers and helped offset this headwind to some extent, but some community banks still have a scarcity of buyers.
  • Bid-Ask Spread Between Buyers and Sellers. The current environment is often conducive to a disconnect between buyers’ valuations and sellers’ expectations.  The improved earnings outlook for 2025 could widen this disconnect between buyers and sellers.
  • Economic Uncertainty and Interest Rate Volatility.  Although we noted some favorable economic and interest rate trends for banks in recent months/quarters, a significant amount of economic uncertainty and interest rate volatility remains.  This could lead some would-be buyers and sellers to sit on the sidelines until greater certainty and less volatility emerge.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty.  While hope exists for lighter regulations and a shorter timeline to closing, hope in and of itself is not a strategy and regulatory uncertainty still persists.  It will be interesting to see if that trend starts to surface in 2025.


In conclusion, the discussions and talking points across different sessions led me to think that “cautious optimism” for bank M&A is the best description of the overall theme and mood of AOBA 2025.  We look forward to discussing these issues further with clients in 2025 and monitoring how they evolve within the banking industry over the next year.

As always, Mercer Capital is available to discuss these trends as they relate to your financial institution, so feel free to call or email.  Mercer Capital can assist financial institution clients with various valuation needs as well as transaction advisory services.

2024 Recap: Bank Stock Performance

After the twin shocks of rapidly rising interest rates in 2022 and regional bank failures in 2023, community and regional bank stocks finally staged a recovery in 2024.  The S&P Small Cap Bank index appreciated by 15% in 2024 (see Figure 1) but nevertheless remains 4% below the level at year-end 2021.  Mid-cap and large-cap banks outperformed small-cap banks, which is attributable to expectations of better net interest margin performance, M&A opportunities, and capital markets activity among the largest banks.

Figure 1

What Goes Down…

Figure 2 provides a stratification of bank stock price changes.  In our year-end 2023 bank stock performance recap, we noted that 36% of banks experienced year-over-year stock price appreciation in 2023.  This improved to 74% of banks in 2024.  The median bank reported share price appreciation of 12% in 2024.  Index returns occasionally can be biased by unusual factors influencing component companies, such as the bank failures in 2023.  Focusing on the change in share price performance for the median bank provides another perspective.

Figure 2

Figure 3 illustrates stock price performance in 2024, as stratified by asset size.  Nearly all banks with assets over $100 billion (95% of all such banks) reported positive share price appreciation in 2024, with a median appreciation of 28%.  For the very largest banks, this reflects the strength of their capital markets businesses, which performed well in 2024 due to both a strong backdrop for trading and capital raising while M&A advisory was better vs 2023 but not booming. The outlook for 2025 assumes the deregulatory inclination of the Trump Administration will support the large banks’ consumer units and M&A advisory fees as corporate M&A presumably increases.

Figure 3

Banks with assets below $5 billion reported weaker performance, with approximately 70% reporting higher stock prices at year-end 2024 and a median share price change of 8% to 10%.  Margin compression remained a challenge for many banks in this group, and many are burdened with low yielding assets that will constrain their 2025 net interest margin and return on assets.

Figure 4 repeats the analysis in Figure 3 but covers the entire rising rate cycle, beginning from year-end 2021.  Despite significant capital accumulation over this period, the median bank reported a share price change of exactly 0%.  It is notable that this period of weak performance occurred in the absence of significant credit costs.  In one sense, bank investors are fortunate, as adding higher credit costs to a period marked by significant NIM pressure would have been much more stressful.

Figure 4

The weakest performance was among banks with assets of less than $1 billion, which reported a median share price change of negative 14% from 2021 to 2024.  Some of these banks may face pressure from investors to consider strategic alternatives.

We have noted in prior years the correlation between net interest margin management and share price performance.  This trend continued in 2024, with share prices rising by only 4% for banks with NIM compression between the fourth quarter of 2023 and third quarter of 2024 versus 14% for banks with NIM expansion (see Figure 5).

Figure 5

EPS Estimates & Valuation

Analysts expect EPS to decline by 8% in 2024, relative to the prior year (see Figure 6), but are much more optimistic for 2025 and 2026.  The estimates do not appear far-fetched, assuming a few basis points of net interest margin expansion, expense control, and low credit costs.  Some bugaboos remain, though.  Short-term rates may remain higher for longer, limiting NIM expansion for banks with higher funding costs and substantial legacy fixed rate assets.  Credit issues remain a concern for low rate loans, with maturities and repricing dates moving ever closer.  While boosting earning asset yields, maturities and repricings of loans from the 2020 and 2021 vintages may come at the cost of higher credit costs.  This effect may become more evident, if it occurs at all, in 2025 as the loans from the 2020 vintage with five year terms mature or reprice.

Figure 6

Figure 7 illustrates historical price/one-year forward earnings and price/tangible book value multiples.  The median P/E multiple was 11.5x at year-end 2024, which is consistent with the long-term average.  Although the effect of Trump’s deregulatory policies on bank valuations is unquantifiable, the market data would suggest that future bank stock returns will be driven by EPS growth rather than P/E multiple expansion.

Figure 7


An inflection point occurred in 2024, with both net interest margins and stock prices reaching a base from which expansion can occur.  With NIM expansion proving a tailwind, for the banks in our analysis, EPS growth in 2025 should be positive for the first time since 2022. However, many banks remain burdened with excessive assets originated in the 2020 and 2021 vintages, which will restrain the normalization in return on assets towards historical levels.  While credit costs are expected to remain benign, analysts’ EPS estimates contain little cushion in the event of asset quality deterioration. Finally, broad market indices, such as the NYSE or Nasdaq, are richly valued.  A pull back in these indices may drag down bank stock prices too.

6 Ways to Evaluate Business Value

Along the road to building the value of a business it is necessary, and indeed, appropriate, to examine the business in a variety of ways. Each provides unique perspective and insight into how a business owner is proceeding along the path to grow the value of the business and if/when it may be ready to sell. Most business owners realize the obvious events that may require a formal valuation: potential sale/acquisition, shareholder dispute, death of a shareholder, gift/estate tax transfer of ownership, etc. A formal business valuation can also be very useful to a business owner when examining internal operations.

So, how does a business owner evaluate their business? And how can advisers or formal business valuations assist owners examining their businesses? There are at least six ways and they are important, regardless of the size of the business. All six of these should be contemplated within a formal business valuation.

1. At a Point in Time

The balance sheet and the current period (month or quarter) provide one reference point. If that is the only reference point, however, one never has any real perspective on what is happening to the business.

2. Relative to Itself over Time

Businesses exhibit trends in performance that can only be discerned and understood if examined over a period of time, often years.

3. Relative to Peer Groups

Many industries have associations or consulting groups that publish industry statistics. These statistics provide a basis for comparing performance relative to companies like the subject company.

4. Relative to Budget or Plan

Every company of any size should have a budget for the current year. The act of creating a budget forces management to make commitments about expected performance in light of a company’s position at the beginning of a year and its outlook in the context of its local economy, industry and/or the national economy. Setting a budget creates a commitment to achieve, which is critical to achievement. Most financial performance packages compare actual to budget for the current year.

5. Relative to its Unique Potential

Every company has prospects for “potential performance” if things go right and if management performs. If a company has grown at 5% per year in sales and earnings for the last five years, that sounds good on its face. But what if the industry niche has been growing at 10% during that period?

6. Relative to Regulatory Expectations or Requirements

Increasingly, companies in many industries are subject to regulations that impact the way business can be done or its profitability.

Why is it important to evaluate a company in these ways? Together, these various ways of examining a company provide a roadmap for business owners and key managers to continuously reassess and adjust their performance to achieve optimal results.

The Elements of a Quality Business Valuation: A Guide for Estate Planners

In the course of a business valuation practice, a business appraiser may either be involved in an examination of an opinion that they have issued or serve as a consulting expert to assist legal counsel in an opinion issued by an unaffiliated business appraiser.

While an accepted-as-filed resolution of an independent and objective opinion of value for a federal tax matter is the desired outcome, an IRS examination also provides an opportunity for appraisers to critically evaluate their work, and, in so doing, strengthen future work product.

As Mercer Capital is frequently requested to provide expert consulting services related to federal tax valuation matters under examination, this issue of Value Added® explores the elements of a quality valuation that increase the prospects of a favorable resolution of an examined matter, or the desired accepted-as-filed outcome at an initial reporting stage.

Elements of a Quality Valuation

Quality business valuations possess four common elements:

  1. Identification of the rights and benefits of the business interest being valued;
  2. Relevant and sufficient capital market evidence;
  3. Sound financial analysis; and,
  4. Effective reporting to the intended audience.

Identification of the Rights & Benefits of the Business Interest

Fundamental to any sound valuation is a thorough understanding of the rights and benefits of the business interest being valued.

Most often this involves a close review of the basic governance documents of the business such as corporate articles of incorporation and bylaws, partnership or limited liability operating agreements, buy/sell agreements, and additional legal documents that address the rights and benefits related of the subject business interest. Absent formal governance documents, relevant statutory provisions in the entity’s state of domicile provide this guidance. This guidance directs the appraiser as to the appropriate level of value for the assignment, i.e., controlling interest, minority interest or veto block interest.

While it is not the role of the business appraiser to be the ultimate arbiter of the legal rights and benefits related to the interest, it is the responsibility of the appraiser to have as complete an understanding as they can of these defining attributes.  In cases of ambiguous governance documents or situations of default to statutory provisions, assistance from legal counsel is warranted to provide legal direction as to the attributes of an interest.

Once a complete understanding of the legal rights and benefits of the interest is gained, it is critical for the business appraiser to keep this understanding at hand throughout the appraisal process and report on this understanding in a concise and clear manner.

Relevant and Sufficient Capital Market Evidence

A cornerstone of every sound opinion of value resides in the capital market evidence that is relied upon for its support. Relevancy and sufficiency are two essential concepts for consideration in evaluating capital market evidence.


The relevance of capital market evidence is a key component of the valuation of interests in privately held businesses, as often there is a dearth of pertinent capital market evidence related to the interest being valued.  This reality illustrates the inherent challenge associated with the valuation of privately held business interests; by definition financial and transactional information related to private businesses is most often not in the public domain. As a consequence, business appraisers frequently look to capital market evidence related to publicly traded businesses to find the capital market evidence necessary to support their opinion. Material differences between the subject business interest and the capital market evidence relied upon must be reconciled and explained.


Sufficiency is the second core concept related to capital market evidence.  The time-tested adage that “one sale does not make a market” certainly applies.

Often, the business appraiser is faced with a scenario of capital market evidence of limited quantity.  In such instances the appraiser should expand search parameters in order to obtain capital market evidence with similar investment risk attributes as the subject interest.

A default to the opinion based on the personal experience of the appraiser without sufficient market evidence will be subject to intensive scrutiny, and quite likely, may be considered a failure of the opinion for its intended use.

Sound Financial Analysis

Thorough and sound financial analysis is crucial to any supportable valuation. The fundamental valuation principle is that the value of a business is a function of three components: (1) expected cash flows, (2) risk profile, and (3) growth prospects.

Expected Cash Flows

Identifying and estimating the expected cash flows of a business requires careful consideration of historical financial results, anticipated economic and industry conditions, and the capital needs of the business (a more exhaustive list of data and factors that should be considered is included in IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60).


An evaluation of the risk profile of a business cannot be done without understanding the key drivers of the business.  A business is subject to and impacted by a litany of factors including market risks, operational risks, and financial risks that must be evaluated.


An appraiser’s assessment of growth prospects should consider growth due to market share, growth of the market, growth from profitability, and the sustainability of each.

Business appraisers should conduct robust financial analyses and due diligence to evaluate these three components, and quality appraisals will provide sound and reasonable support for the concluded estimates of each.

Effective Reporting to the Intended Audience

The most important aspect of the valuation may well be how effectively the appraiser communicates to the intended audience of the valuation report.

For federal transfer tax valuation matters, the intended audience consists of estate planning and tax attorneys as well as Internal Revenue Service trust & estate examining attorneys.

For federal income tax matters the intended audience consists of tax attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents and Internal Revenue Service agents, typically individuals with an accounting and tax background.

As the readers of a valuation report may be more verbally rather than numerically oriented, a valuation report prepared for a transfer tax matter should be written in a communication style and structure that matches this orientation.  In contrast, it may be more appropriate for reports prepared for income tax matters to have a quantitative tilt.


While the examination of a federal tax valuation matter can be a challenging exercise laden with complexity, past examination experience also provides opportunities to focus on the fundamentals of the valuation process that underlie a quality valuation.

Adherence to the concepts presented in this article will improve the likelihood of accepted-as-filed outcomes as well as place the valuation work product in a position of strength in the event of an examination.

At Mercer Capital, we diligently incorporate each of the four elements of quality valuations into our reports.  To discuss your valuation need on a confidential basis, please contact one of our professionals.


Bank M&A 2024 — Off the Bottom

In our year ago M&A epistle, we speculated that activity would improve and that a related theme could be equity recap transactions. The prediction was hardly heroic because M&A activity in 2023 represented a multi-decade low, while low public market multiples for a small subset of banks with high CRE exposure signaled investor expectations that an equity infusion was possible.

M&A activity rose off the bottom in 2024, but not by much while pricing remained modest by historical standards. There were 126 transactions as of December 23 that equated to 2.7% of January 1 bank charters compared to the multi-decade low of 101 transactions in 2023 (2.1%). Transactions with a disclosed value increased to 54 with an aggregate value of $16.8 billion from 26 deals in 2023 ($4.2 billion), though the aggregate value this year was the sixth lowest since 1990.

There were two notable equity recaps (Flag Financial, NYSE: FLG; First Foundation, NASDAQ: FFWM) and lots of equity raises to fund balance sheet restructurings, including a $2.8 billion equity raise by KeyCorp (NYSE: KEY). We look for more equity raises in 2025.

The set-up as of year-end 2024 is for much more M&A activity in 2025.

  • Institutional investors have supported M&A by funding nine common raises buyers undertook to strengthen post-closing capital ratios.
  • Bank stocks as acquisition currencies improved as P/E multiples have expanded to 11-13x consensus 2025 estimates compared to 9-11x consensus 2024 estimates last year.
  • Earnings are expected to improve in 2025 after two years of contraction for many banks as NIMs stabilize or improve while credit costs increase only modestly.
  • The incoming Trump Administration is expected to pursue policies that are business friendly, including the appointment of bank regulators who nix or modify a range of burdensome regulatory edicts and more quickly approve merger applications.     

How much, if any, M&A activity accelerates with or without improved pricing in 2025 remains subject to multiple variables as always. The economy and bank credit quality are in good (or good enough) shape and public market multiples have improved.

Also, spreads on high-yield bonds and leverage loans are tight at multi-year lows, reflecting investor optimism about credit quality for the time being. The corollary is that credit marks for most sellers were limited compared to the existing loan loss reserve before factoring in the CECL “double counting” reserve build.

Figure 1 – National Bank M&A Activity

However, there is one roadblock that remains: the bond market. Since the first Fed rate cut in mid-September, yields along the belly and long-end of the UST curve have increased 60-80bps with yields approaching the October 2023 cycle highs.  Mark-to-market of would-be sellers fixed-rate loan and bond portfolios is a much greater pricing hurdle for buyers and sellers than was the case in September as unrealized losses are, in effect, realized as far as merger accounting is concerned.

The “why” market determined rates have risen could impact bank M&A activity, too. If rising rates signal an expected strengthening in the economy, then lending and bank earnings should improve, which would support M&A. Alternatively, M&A activity may remain depressed if rising rates signal more inflation, which in turn probably would weigh on public market P/E multiples.

Multi-Decade Low Pricing (x-GFC Years)

As shown in Figure 2, the average M&A P/TBV multiple declined to 120%, a multi-decade low excluding the post-GFC clean-up years of 2009-2012. The post-GFC peak average multiple of 174% occurred in 2018 as public market multiples expanded in 2017 with the reduction in corporate tax rates and then gradually rising short-term rates that caused NIMs to expand without much mark-to-market drawbacks. Since then, multiples have trended lower as the flat yield curve of 2019 gave way to COVID in 2020, sharply rising rates in 2022, the failure of SVB in March 2023 and a deeply inverted yield curve that only recently un-inverted.

Figure 2 – National Average M&A Multiples

The median P/E improved to 16.4x in 2024 from 12.9x in 2023 largely because sellers had lower profitability as reflected in reported trailing 12-month earnings vs 2023 sellers whose earnings reflected higher NIMs. Regardless, buyers are focused on proforma earnings as measured by the sum of core earnings plus after-tax expense savings. Generally, proforma P/Es are in the range of 6x to 9x when buyers are public and report the metric to investors though pricing has tended toward (or below) 6x for community bank sellers the past two years.

Modest multiples inclusive of expense saves are necessary to generate EPS accretion, and EPS accretion is necessary to recoup day one dilution to TBVPS. Since the GFC, investors have been intensely focused on the time to recover TBVPS dilution as a means to limit buyers’ pricing flexibility. Our take on current pricing is that investors want recovery in 2-3 years, in part because there is too much uncertainty about future EPS accretion vis-à-vis certainty about day one dilution.

Figure 3 – Notable Deals with Common Raises

Click here to expand the image above

Institutional Investor Sentiment Improves

The bear market of 2022-3Q23 gave way to a bull market in 4Q23 that improved investor sentiment and provides a foundation for a better M&A market in 2025 if bank stocks hold gains or improve further (see Figure 4). Large banks as measured by the S&P 500 Bank Index rose 34% year-to-date through December 23 as investors reassessed the potential for large bank M&A in the Trump Administration overlaid with business models that are more geared to the booming capital markets. Among smaller bank indices, the NASDAQ Bank and KBW Regional Bank indices rose 17% and 10%, respectively.

Although M&A pricing was subdued in 2024, we view the willingness of institutional investors to provide buyers equity at a 4-5% discount to the market as a notable positive that underpins support for transactions that are appropriately priced and structured. Generally, the capital is needed to offset day one dilution to the tier one common equity capital ratio that otherwise would be recovered via earnings within several years and/or reduce the proforma CRE/capital ratio.

Another encouraging data point from 2024 was the market reaction to perennial acquirer Old National Bancorp (NYSE: ONB) when it announced the acquisition of Minneapolis-based Bremer Financial Corp. for $1.4 billion of stock and cash on November 25. ONB’s shares rose 6% on the announcement that entailed pricing around BFC’s tangible book value (though not marked TBV), the sale of CRE loans, and a $400 million common raise.  Positive reactions encourage activity just as negative reactions are a hurdle.

Public Market Multiples vs Acquisition Multiples

Figure 4, compares the annual average P/TBV for banks that were acquired for $50 million to $250 million with the average daily public market multiple each year for the SNL Small Cap Bank Index.  The chart illustrates the point that acquisition pricing is highly correlated with public market multiples.

Figure 4 – Average Annual M&A P/TBV vs Public Market P/TBV

Click here to expand the image above

Buyers measure this differential as the pay-to-trade ratio, which is the market-based measurement of the book-to-book ratio when the seller marked equity for known problem loans not covered in the loan loss reserve, appreciated assets, contingent liabilities and the like. Generally, transactions that involve a publicly traded buyer will entail a pay-to-trade multiple in the vicinity of 80% to 95% though sometimes a multiple above 100% may be observed when the seller’s earning power may be understated, or strategic considerations cause the buyer to step up.

Although not shown, pay-to-trade ratios when based upon the seller’s proforma P/E with expense saves vs the buyer’s P/E should be well below 1.0x, otherwise there would be no EPS accretion and no recovery of day one dilution to the buyer’s TBVPS.

The Exchange Ratio vs “Price”

While investors are focused on price, it is worth noting that the central issue in M&A is the exchange ratio rather than price when the sole or primary consideration is shares of the buyer. Price is a function of the buyer’s share price, which fluctuates daily, and the exchange ratio. Whether the buyer’s shares are reasonably priced is a separate issue to consider. Nonetheless, sellers who transacted in 2023 and 2024 may have been disappointed by pricing vs the pre-COVID years but likely received shares that were attractively priced that performed well during 2H24. Likewise, buyers who transacted in 2018 may have encountered the opposite situation. The outlook for 2025 seems to fall somewhere between the two as of late year 2024.

About Mercer Capital

M&A entails a lot of moving parts of which “price” is only one. It is especially important for would be sellers to have a level-headed assessment of the investment attributes of the acquirer’s shares to the extent merger consideration will include the buyer’s common shares. Mercer Capital has 40 years of experience in assessing mergers, the investment merits of the buyer’s shares and the like. Please call if we can help your board in 2025 assess a potential strategic transaction.

Anatomy of Volatility: Evolent (EVH)

In our Q3 newsletter, we noted that Evolent Health, Inc. (NYSE:EVH) reported a large quarterly drop in stock price during 2Q24.  Over 3Q24, EVH made up almost all of the ground lost in 2Q24 as the stock price increased by around 48%.  However, the stock has languished since, closing on December 13 down almost 60% from the end of the third quarter.

Evolent Health, Inc. Stock Chart

Click here to expand the image above

A few notes on EVH price volatility in recent quarters – we remain observers and may report further notable developments in future editions of this newsletter.

(A): Evolent Health, Inc. debuted on the New York Stock Exchange on June 5, 2015, raising $195 million and registering almost a $1 billion market cap.1   The stock price was $21.33 per share on July 31, 2015.  EVH provides clinical and administrative technology services to help providers and payers with care management and the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care.  The revenue model is a mix of risk-based (capitated) and subscription-based products, with the latter expected to contribute higher margins and the majority of EBITDA
over time.2

(B): EVH’s stock price fell approximately 42% from $32.79 per share at 1Q24-end to $19.12 per share at 2Q24-end, even as the Company reported first quarter revenue that beat expectations and adjusted EBITDA in line with prior guidance.  The decline in price likely reflected risks around higher costs due to increased utilization in certain specialties, as well as general uncertainty due to an industry-wide disruption caused by a ransomware cyberattack on a large revenue cycle management company.3

(C): Evolent’s stock price rebounded in 3Q24, reaching a high of $31.98 on August 30, 2024 before closing at $28.28 at quarter end.  Towards the end of August, the Company indicated it had received takeover interest from a number of private equity firms, including TPG, CD&R, and KKR.4

(D):  EVH stock fell significantly after releasing 3Q24 earnings – revenue fell slightly short of expectations with more meaningful declines in adjusted EBITDA and guidance for the full year.  The Company attributed the weaker performance to an unexpected $42 million increase in medical costs related to (risk-based) specialty services.5

1 “Software maker Evolent Health’s IPO priced at $17/share: underwriter,” available at
2 Evolent Investor Day presentation, May 23, 2023 available at
3 “1Q24 Beat and Raise on the Top Line with Three New Contracts Announced Demonstrating Strong End Market Demand,” J.P.Morgan North America Equity Research note May 9, 2024.
4 “Exclusive: Evolent Health in sale talks after receiving takeover interest, sources say”, Reuters Online available at
5 “Evolent Announces Third Quarter 2024 Results,” available at


Trends in MedTech Valuation Step-Up Multiples 2024

The last several years have been interesting in the venture capital space.  Venture capital financing increased rapidly in 2020 and 2021 and has fallen sharply since the 2021 peak.  Less free-flowing capital for start-ups and early-stage companies has led to companies abandoning the “growth-at-all-costs” approach and instead looking for ways to improve profits in order to survive the lower growth post-covid environment.  As a result, valuations have contracted, and many early-stage companies have had to raise down-rounds.  Not only has start-up financing tightened over the last couple of years, but the step-up in valuation between rounds has also tightened in recent years.

The medtech industry followed the overall venture runup in 2020 and 2021 and was not immune to the drop in funding in 2022 and 2023; medtech venture funding fell 38% in 2022 and decreased a further 35% in 2023.  Medtech funding has rebounded slightly in 2024 but is on track to remain well below levels seen in 2021.  Against this backdrop, we look at the trends in valuation step-up multiples in this article.

Figure 1 :: Medtech Venture Funding has Decreased Sharply Since 2021 ($Billions)

Click here to expand the image above

What Are Valuation Step-Up Multiples?

Valuation step-up multiples are a representation of the increase, or decrease, in a company’s valuation between rounds of funding.  The multiple is calculated by dividing the most recent round’s implied valuation by the previous round’s implied valuation.1  For example, consider an early-stage company valued at $25 million (post-money) in its Series A funding round and valued at $50 million (pre-money) in its Series B funding round.  The valuation step-up from Series A to Series B for this company would be 2.00x ($50 million/$25 million).  In other words, the valuation at Series B was two times the valuation at Series A.  As illustration, the following charts provide examples that illustrate the valuation history and implied step-up multiples for Therapymatch, Inc. (d/b/a Headway) and Brightside Health, Inc.2

Figure 2 :: Funding Evolution for Headway and Brightside Health

Click here to expand the image above

The valuation of an early-stage company can be influenced by many factors including technical milestone achievements, revenue growth, profitability profile, management team, industry trends and conditions, and the overall economy.  Step-up multiples allow us to analyze how a company’s valuation has changed over time and between funding rounds.  Step-up multiples greater than 1.0x imply that the company increased in value between rounds (up-round) while step-up multiples less than 1.0x imply that the company decreased in value between rounds (down-round).  An increase in valuation between rounds can be because of exceeding financial performance expectations and/or achieving key milestones.  And a decrease in valuation between rounds can signal that a company underperformed expectations and did not achieve specific milestones or benchmarks.

Why Are Valuation Step-Up Multiples Important?

It is important for management teams and operators to understand valuation step-up multiples because having knowledge of these multiples allows operators to diligently plan out the financing path of the company.  Incorporating an understanding of valuation and the change in valuation between rounds informs how much capital an early-stage company needs to raise and when.  The goal of a management team in raising the next round of financing for a company is to maximize the amount of money raised per percent of dilution.  In other words, the goal is to raise the minimum amount of money in order to achieve the next milestone so that current owners do not unnecessarily give away ownership in the business.  Step-up multiples provide a benchmark for operators to use to guide them while planning and evaluating the financing path of the company.

Investors also need an understanding of valuation and valuation step-up multiples.  These also act as benchmarks for investors when evaluating investment opportunities and determining if a certain valuation is reasonable relative to others in the industry.  Step-up multiples that are outside (either higher or lower) the range observed in a certain industry may need additional examination, and being able to spot these outliers can help investors find opportunities or avoid underperforming investments.  Step-up multiples can also be a useful portfolio planning tool to help investors plan out potential investments in later rounds of a company, especially if they intend to participate in follow-on rounds.

Medtech Step-Up Multiples

Step-up multiples for an industry can vary over time due to industry conditions and overall economic conditions.  Step-up multiples in the medtech space generally increased from 2019 to 2021 and then decreased from 2021 to 2023.  The following graphs present the change in step-up multiples for early-stage medtech companies from 2019 to 2023 for Series A, Series B, and Series C rounds.

The median Series A medtech step-up multiple increased from 1.97x in 2019 to 2.42x in 2021 before falling to 1.46x in 2023 which represents a 40% decrease from 2021.  The average step-up over the period was 1.96x.3

The median Series B medtech step-up multiple increased from 1.77x in 2019 to 1.96x in 2021 before falling to 1.91x in 2023.  The average step-up over the period was 1.75x.4

Interestingly, the median Series C medtech step-up multiple peaked in 2019 at 1.70x and fell every year except for 2021.  The median Series C step-up multiple in 2023 was 1.16x, and the average step-up over the period was 1.35x. 5

As medtech industry conditions evolve, we will keep a watchful eye on the development of step-up multiples in the future and publish periodic updates.

Figure 3 :: Medtech Step-Up Multiples



1 Step-up in valuation is defined as

Usually, valuation refers to total equity value, although on a fully-diluted basis this should be equivalent to using per share prices.

2 Headway operates a platform that connects patients with in-network licensed therapists and mental health professionals.  Brightside Health operates a platform that offers online therapy sessions, personalized treatment plans, and medication management.

3,4,5 The following summarizes additional data underlying Figure 3 (source: S&P Capital IQ).

Evolving Need for Estate Planning Amid Legislative Shifts

The 2024 elections delivered a Republican sweep of the Presidency and Congress, setting the stage for potential tax policy changes. The likely extension of tax provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which are currently set to expire on December 31, 2025, is central to the uncertainty. The potential ten year maximum extension would include maintaining the elevated estate and gift tax lifetime exclusion amount of $10 million, indexed for inflation ($13.99 million in 2025). However, legislative realities may lead to a shorter extension than ten years or even modifications to the exemption altogether.

The federal budget reconciliation process, which allows tax legislation to pass with a simple Senate majority, will play a key role in shaping these policies. Specifically, the potential $4.6 trillion deficit impact over a decade for extending all 2017 tax cuts adds complexity to negotiations. The estate and gift tax provisions are projected to contribute $189 billion to this total cost of the tax plan and remain a politically charged element of the debate.

Other tax changes being proposed include potential reductions to corporate tax rates and exemptions for specific income categories like overtime pay. However, these would require additional revenue offsets, such as limiting state and local tax (“SALT”) deductions, further complicating legislative negotiations.

For estate planning, the stakes are high. The elevated lifetime exclusion amount is one of the most significant opportunities for reducing future estate tax liabilities, allowing individuals to transfer substantial wealth that falls under the threshold tax-free. However, the political and fiscal landscape introduces critical timing considerations:

  • Estate and gift tax planning is a long-term endeavor: Tax policy is not static; it is modified periodically due to changes in the executive branch of government, composition of legislative bodies and judicial rulings. Tax policy of today is not necessarily the tax policy of tomorrow. Conversely, current tax policy that is repealed may be again enacted in the future. The cornerstone of effective estate and gift tax planning may well be in executing a consistent long-term strategy of gifts that embraces the inherent strength of moving future asset appreciation to subsequent generations.
  • For those hesitant to make large gifts: While some may prefer to wait for legislative clarity, it may make sense to begin preparing the gifting groundwork now. Structuring trusts and preparing for future decisions can ensure readiness if the exclusion extension is less favorable than anticipated.
  • For those comfortable making gifts: High-net-worth individuals who are confident in making large transfers now stand to benefit significantly. Transferring wealth under the current exclusion ensures future appreciation is removed from taxable estates, maximizing potential tax savings.


With over 40 years of experience, Mercer Capital is uniquely suited to support estate planning efforts, especially for clients with privately held businesses. Mercer Capital’s opinions are well-reasoned and thoroughly documented. Our internal review and quality control processes are designed to generate expedited results that meet best practices in process and analysis, particularly in situations where service and delivery needs are high. Mercer Capital also offers comprehensive services for complex entities and business models.

Here is what sets us apart:

  • Proven Track Record. Mercer Capital professionals have prepared thousands of valuations that have been accepted as reported. The quality work product we prepare facilitates acceptance by the IRS at an initial reporting level. In the rare event of an examination, our quality work product provides legal counsel with the capital market evidence, cogent analysis and substantiation that is essential to successfully resolve such disputes.
  • IRS-Compliant Standards. Given heightened IRS scrutiny in recent years, our team adheres to strict valuation methodologies and reporting guidelines, such as Revenue Ruling 59-60 and the Adequate Disclosure Regulations for Gifts. The dedication to adhere to authoritative guidance places clients in a position of strength well before for a potential audit, and importantly, greatly increases accepted as filed outcomes.
  • Specialized and Industry-Informed Experience. We perform valuations for family-owned and closely held businesses in many industries. We publish a number of industry-specific blogs and newsletters for industries where we share our expertise and insight.
  • Collaborative & Client-Focused Service. We work closely with business owners, attorneys, accountants, and other advisors, tailoring our approach to fit the unique facts and circumstances of each engagement. There is no “one size fits all” approach to valuation, and Mercer Capital takes the time to ensure a personalized, appropriate, and high quality work product.
  • Broad Range of Other Valuation Services. In addition to valuation services for estate and gift tax reporting, we provide valuations for financial reporting, buy-sell agreements, shareholder disputes, litigation support and management consulting, ensuring continuity across other client needs.


The 2024 election outcomes highlight that estate planning is no longer a static process but one that requires vigilance, adaptability and a long-term perspective. The next few years will be crucial for those looking to secure their legacies under a tax regime still in flux.

If you would like to discuss how we can assist you and your clients, we’d be happy to engage in a conversation. Thank you for considering Mercer Capital as a resource for your clients’ estate planning needs.

Legislative Update Source: Steve Akers, Bessemer Trust: “Tax Legislative Impacts of Republican Sweep in 2024 Elections; What Will Happen to the Estate and Gift Tax Basic Exclusion Amount?” November 2024.  

Moo Deng’s Post-Election Outlook for the Banking Industry

While BankWatch’s focus on the banking industry remains as unrelenting as ever, we remain attuned to the latest social media phenomena.  Therefore, BankWatch was swept up in the viral sensation of Moo Deng, a baby pygmy hippo.  Moo Deng—whose name translates to “Bouncy Pork”—is a chubby, sassy little creature resident in a Thai zoo that captured the internet with antics like a moonwalking routine.  While BankWatch has a soft spot for critters like Moo Deng, what really caught our attention was Moo Deng’s accurate prediction of the U.S. presidential contest.1   Outperforming many human forecasters (including those older than the four month old hippo), Moo Deng did not see the election as a toss-up.  Instead, when faced with two bowls of food labeled Harris and Trump, she went straight for the Trump one.

Given Moo Deng’s stunning prognostication, what would the Oracle of the Khao Kheow Open Zoo expect for the next four years?

Animal Spirits

We are not sure if Moo Deng is familiar with John Maynard Keynes, who coined the term “animal spirits” to mean the emotional factors or herd instincts that can influence decision-making.  But Moo Deng’s animal spirits apparently have lifted tourism to Thailand, with people waiting for hours to catch a glimpse of the hippo.  For bank stocks, is the post-election boom a case of investors’ animal spirits, or is something else at work?

Post Election Performance:  13 Days After 2016 & 2024 Elections

Source:  S&P Capital IQ Pro; Mercer Capital Analysis

We reviewed bank stock indices immediately after the 2016 and 2024 elections.  Immediately after the 2024 election, bank stocks were almost as popular as Moo Deng, as the Nasdaq Bank Index rose by 12% the first day after the election (see chart above).  Then, bank stocks remained relatively stable before increasing again 12 and 13 days after the election.  The situation was somewhat different in 2016, with positive changes in the index compounding over many days.  Of the first 13 trading days after the election, the Nasdaq Bank index increased for 11 days after the 2016 election versus only five days after the 2024 election.  Cumulatively, the index increased by 13% the first 13 days after the 2024 election relative to 17% after the 2016 election.  This compares to a 3.2% increase for the S&P 500 in the 13 days after the 2024 election, similar to the 2.9% increase after the 2016 election.

Several factors likely explain the recent market movement and foretell future trends:

  • Bouncy Bouncy  After the Nasdaq Bank index declined by 24% between year-end 2021 and 2023, bank stocks were due for a rebound in 2024, as liquidity fears subsided, credit issues remained manageable, and profitability showed signs of improvement.

While the Nasdaq Bank index was flat the first half of 2024, an inflection point in net interest margins led to improving investor sentiment in the second half of 2024.  Between year-end 2023 and election day, the Nasdaq Bank index bounced back by 15%.  The election may have caused a realization among investors that bank stocks were relatively cheap (compared to the broader market), the worst fears regarding commercial real estate loan losses are not going to be realized, and EPS growth may well be relatively strong in 2025 and 2026 as net interest margins recover (even if returns on assets remain below long-term averages for another one to three years).  The result was another 13% bounce in the Nasdaq Bank Index after the election.

  • Cleaning up after a hippo.  Any discussion of banks’ shifting fortunes after the election includes the regulatory environment.  We are reminded of a quote by JP Morgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, shortly before the election regarding recent rulemaking activity:  “I’ve had it with this s***.”  While community banks are not directly affected by regulations like the Basel III endgame, Dimon’s blunt statement nevertheless captured the sentiment of many bankers.

The past four years have been marked by robust, to put it mildly, regulatory activity covering areas ranging from brokered deposits, CRA, credit card and overdraft fees, interchange fees, open banking, fintech, small business borrower data, and M&A.  In addition, regulatory exams have appeared to sometimes take an adversarial tone, with exam issues being elevated to public enforcement actions more often.  As one of the more heavily regulated industries, banks would stand to benefit more than most businesses from a deregulatory environment.

The pace of financial services rulemaking likely will slow after the election, but uncertainty surrounds which Biden era regulations will be, or can be, rolled back.  Certain sectors, like fintech and crypto, are almost certain to benefit from deregulation, but this probably is not the type of deregulation bankers have in mind.  In addition, Trump offered his own populist suggestions during the campaign that would not sit well with banks, such as capping credit card interest rates at 10%.

  • Zookeepers.  Managing Moo Deng’s celebrity status requires talented and dedicated zookeepers.  Similarly, the banking regulatory agencies need experienced leaders that can (in a perfect world) design the least intrusive regulations that meet the agencies’ safety and soundness objectives.  In the first Trump administration, well-regarded agency heads like Jelena McWilliams at the FDIC had a deregulatory bent but largely maintained the status quo.

Trump’s cabinet nominees have certainly been an, err, eclectic bunch so far, which complicates predicting the banking agencies’ future leadership.  A more likely scenario is the agencies are staffed by individuals with banking industry experience, like Ms. McWilliams, who probably will maintain continuity with some loosening of regulations.  The less likely scenario, and one more fraught with risk for the industry, is a “blow the place up” nominee.  For banks that favor stability, this may introduce too much change, with the regulatory pendulum swinging widely depending on which party’s nominees are in charge of the banking agencies.

  • Funding Moo Deng’s lifestyle. We do not know if Moo Deng is taxpayer supported, but we do know that in Trump’s first term the top corporate tax rate fell from 35% to 21%.  Banks often benefit less than other industries from the tax preferences in the tax code, such as regarding accelerated depreciation and R&D.  As a result, banks’ effective tax rates are closer to the marginal rate.  Therefore, the change in the marginal rate under the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act—which was led by Speaker Paul Ryan to a greater extent than the Trump Administration—had a more significant impact on banks’ after-tax profitability than for many other businesses.

Trump has proposed lowering the marginal corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%, although numerous tax cut promises to other constituencies exist.  Tax cuts fueled the performance of bank stocks during the first Trump administration and could again during the second Trump Administration.  However, the benefit to banks’ after-tax net income of changing the corporate tax rate to 15% is an order of magnitude smaller than reducing the rate to 21% under the TCJA.

Animal Spirits, Again. Loan growth has been sluggish in 2024, although many community banks will be able to rely on widening NIMs to produce revenue growth for awhile longer.  At some point, though, banks will need organic growth to maintain earnings momentum.  If a combination of tax policy, deregulation, and greater confidence among consumers and businesses scrapes some barnacles off the economy’s boat, all the better from banks’ standpoint.

Feeding Frenzy

In the presidential picking contest that faced Moo Deng, she picked between “watermelon cakes” labeled Harris and Trump.  If there is anything that makes bank investors more excited than Moo Deng when offered a juicy watermelon cake, it’s M&A.

Bank M&A has been in the doldrums since 2021, although activity has risen in 2024.  There are a number of factors contributing to this dearth of deals:

  • Lower stock prices, which meant that buyers were unable to meet sellers’ (nominal) pricing objectives
  • Interest rate marks on loans and securities that affect buyers’ post-transaction regulatory capital and tangible book value earn-back
  • Lower profitability, which convinced sellers to postpone M&A discussions
  • Regulatory uncertainty

These factors led to the number of announced bank M&A transactions falling to 171 in 2022, 101 in 2023, and 113 through November 22. 2024 (see chart on the next page), or 2% to 4% of the prior year number of institutions.  These factors should be alleviated, at least in part, in coming years:

  • The Nasdaq Bank Index increased by 31% between June 30, 2024 and November 22, 2024.  Buyers have stronger currencies for deals; even if the seller receives the same number of the buyer’s shares as they would have received in 2022 or 2023, the nominal deal value will be higher after the election.
  • Interest rate marks will diminish.  Lower interest rates, particularly in the intermediate part of the yield curve, reduced interest rate marks on debt securities and loans in banks’ third quarter financial reports.

Significant deficit spending may lead to higher interest rates, which complicates the outlook.  Putting that issue aside, though, the passage of time will cure the rate mark issue.  Loans originated in the 2020 and 2021 vintages with rates that were fixed at origination for five years will mature or reprice in the next one to two years.  Regardless of what happens with rates, a significant share of loans originated in 2020 and 2021 will mature or reprice during the second Trump administration, eliminating the rate mark issue altogether for those loans.  Long-term, low-rate bonds purchased in 2020 and 2021 will linger, though.

  • Net interest margins have begun to improve for many banks, which should continue as rates on funding sources adjust downward while pandemic era assets mature or reprice.  As NIM compression created negative operating leverage when interest rates increased—with revenue declining to a greater extent than operating expenses—banks will benefit from positive operating leverage as the rate cycle turns.

Further, an environment marked by a steeper yield curve may be a boon to bank earnings.  Some investors may feel burned by asset/liability models that predicted banks would benefit from a large upward shock in interest rates, such as occurred in 2022.  Therefore, investors may take a wait and see attitude towards yield curve steepening.

  • In September 2024, the FDIC, the OCC, and the Department of Justice issued new policies on bank merger transactions.  New regulations, coupled with a generally stricter regulatory environment, have led to longer merger approval timelines.  Large bank M&A has been particularly hampered by regulatory uncertainty.

We are not aware of post-election efforts to roll-back the September 2024 FDIC, OCC, and DoJ policies; however, application of these policies to announced transactions will fall to the Trump administration’s regulators.  In a deregulatory zeitgeist, it is difficult to believe that the Trump era bank regulators will be more restrictive towards bank M&A activity than during the Biden administration.

While the market may believe the Trump administration will grease the skids of bank M&A, there is another view, however.  Vice President-elect Vance has spoken favorably of Federal Trade Commission head Lina Khan, the bete noire of CEOs of large businesses.  In February 2024, Mr. Vance stated:  “And I guess I look at Lina Khan as one of the few people in the Biden administration that I think is doing a pretty good job.”

Announced Bank M&A Transactions (2016 – November 22, 2023)

Click here to expand the image above

The preceding factors, a stable economy, and a deficit of deals since 2022 suggest to us (or should that be Moo Deng doing the suggesting?) that bank M&A should trends towards historical activity levels, with 4% to 5% of the industry absorbed annually through merger.

More Watermelon Cakes

The table below shows bank stock index returns from November 8, 2016 (election day in 2016) to December 31, 2019 (pre-Covid).  Index performance varied, but the Nasdaq Bank Index increased by a cumulative 30%, which equates to an 8.8% compound annual growth rate.

Trump Stock Index Returns (Pre-Covid)

What might happen if Moo Deng were to face another challenge:  picking between watermelon cakes with signs indicating that the CAGR in the Nasdaq Bank Index would be above or below 8.8% during the Trump II administration?  It would not surprise us if Moo Deng goes for the “over 8.8%” cake:

Banks are due for a rebound after poor performance in 2022 and significant underperformance in 2023 relative to the S&P 500.

While some larger banks may face earnings pressure from falling short-term rates, many banks will have an earnings tailwind from improving NIMs.

More M&A.

Tangible book value should at least grow by 8.8% in coming years, given that the recapture of unrealized losses on securities will augment retained earnings growth.

Incoming administrations, like baby hippos, can be unpredictable.  Budget deficits, higher intermediate to long-term interest rates, trade wars, and shooting wars are among the factors that could cause us to consult Moo Deng’s expertise again.

Richard Fuld, Spirit Airlines, and Fairness

Spirit Airlines, Inc. (OTCEM:SAVE.Q) filed for bankruptcy protection on November 18, 2024. Spirit’s journey to bankruptcy illustrates two saws about M&A: time is the enemy of all deals; and most surprises are negative when the subject matter is M&A.

The prepackaged filing in which creditors will equitize $795 million of debt and inject an additional $350 million of equity brings closure to a long running corporate saga that began in February 2022 when Spirit agreed to be acquired by Frontier Group Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ULCC) for a combination of stock (1.93 exchange ratio) and cash ($2.13 per share) that at announcement equated to $25.83 per share ($2.9 billion).

JetBlue Airways Corp. (NASDAQ:JBLU) subsequently made an unsolicited $33 per share all cash offer in April 2022 that was initially rejected. However, the Spirit board terminated the Frontier deal during July 2022 after JetBlue sweetened its offer to provide a) $33.50 per share of cash ($3.8 billion) with $2.50 per share payable upon approval of the deal by Spirit shareholders; b) a monthly ticking fee of $0.10 per share up to $0.65 per share commencing in January 2023; and c) $70 million termination fee if the agreement was terminated for failure to obtain regulatory approval.

In our first prior posts on the matter (here and here), we speculated that the Spirit board may have calculated that JetBlue was a risk worth taking because

  1. The offer was 30% greater than Frontier’s offer;
  2. JetBlue provided $425 million ($4.30 per share) of downside protection; and
  3. A jilted Frontier presumably would be willing to reengage Spirit if the JetBlue deal failed.

Spirit shareholders ultimately received $3.65 per share of cash from JetBlue upon shareholder approval of the deal and payment of the ticking fees, while the termination fee was paid to Frontier in March. Nonethless, Spirit’s shares never traded remotely close to the announced deal value because investors correctly concluded that the Department of Justice would successfully challenge a merger that would eliminate a low-cost carrier while positioning JetBlue as the fifth largest carrier.

While the Frontier deal was not a sure bet either, investors at the time viewed the Frontier-Spirit combination as more likely to avoid or prevail in a Department of Justice challenge because the deal represented a combination of two small low-cost carriers that would result in a stronger company focused on budget conscious consumers.

From the perspective of Spirit’s common shareholders, the decision to terminate the Frontier deal in favor of JetBlue was a colossal mistake by the board of directors. Aside from the DOJ challenge that was initiated in March 2023, industry profitability weakened materially during 2H23 due to excess capacity, rising costs and issues with Pratt & Whitney engines that grounded some Airbus planes, including some of Spirit’s.

Assuming the Frontier transaction closed during the first quarter of 2023, the deal value would have been worth $21 to $27 per share based upon Frontier’s trading range. Shareholders could have sold their Frontier shares for cash, or continued to hold Frontier shares that today would be worth about $11 per share plus have $2.13 per share of cash before considering taxes.

Hindsight is easy of course. Richard Fuld, CEO of Lehman Brothers from 1994 until the company filed for bankruptcy in September 2008, had opportunities to sell the company in 2007 and early 2008 before the financial crisis intensified. Even in the months prior to the filing, one or more transactions appeared possible until it was too late. Fuld and the board (or Fuld leaning on the board) held out for a better deal or a rescue organized by the Fed. Neither happened.

Likewise, the Spirit board took a risk that it could get a better deal than Frontier’s and thereby wiped out its common shareholders in the bankruptcy filing. While JetBlue’s offer was clearly superior because it was all cash and higher than the Frontier offer, Frontier’s shares never traded meaningfully higher once JetBlue made its initial unsolicited $33 per share offer in April 2022. The market signaled that the board would be taking a sizable risk in terminating the Frontier merger agreement.

Given the price and terms of the JetBlue deal, rendering fairness opinions by Spirit’s financial advisors (Morgan Stanley and Barclays) in July 2022 should have been a straightforward exercise; however, one deal point a board must always consider is the ability of a buyer to close. Morgan Stanley’s and Barclay’s fairness opinions addressed the fairness of the proposed consideration to be paid to Spirit’s shareholders. The opinions did not assign any probability to JetBlue’s ability to close other than assume the merger would be consummated under the terms specified in the Merger Agreement.

Among the factors the board considered that weighed against approving the deal was the risk that regulators would block the deal. These concerns were voiced by Frontier and some investors when JetBlue made its unsolicited offer in April 2022; however, the board approved the merger anyway, perhaps figuring JetBlue offered downside payments and that Frontier would still be an option if Washington nixed the JetBlue transaction.

Expanding Reach and Elevating Expertise

Mercer Capital’s Fall 2024 Highlights

As the holiday season is upon us, and with Thanksgiving around the corner, I would be remiss not to reflect and share highlights from a bustling fall season at Mercer Capital. We are very grateful and thankful for the experiences, opportunities, and interactions with many of you! To highlight a few of our speeches and/or sponsorships since August, spanning coast to coast:

  • Attorney/Trust Officer Liaison Conference – Palm Beach, FL
  • Society of Louisiana CPA’s Forensic, Litigation & Valuation Conference -New Orleans, LA
  • Ole Miss Family Business Symposium – Oxford, MS
  • Bank Director Training Forum – Nashville, TN
  • Virginia Society of CPAs’ Forensic & Valuation Conference
  • ASA International Conference – Portland, OR
  • Association of Trust Organizations 2024 Annual Meeting – Frisco, TX
  • Logistics Summit – Memphis, TN
  • Hart Energy Capital Conference – Dallas, TX
  • ABA Webcast on SCOTUS vs. Connelly
  • NADC (National Dealerships Conference) Fall 2024 – Nashville, TN
  • National Association of Royalty Owners National Convention – Dallas, TX
  • 2024 Florida AAML Chapter Retreat – Memphis, TN
  • BVIUK Virtual Expert Summit
  • Florida Bar 2024 Tax Section Fall Meeting – Hollywood Beach, FL
  • 2024 AICPA & CIMA Forensic & Valuation Conference – Dallas, TX
  • The ESOP Association’s 2024 Employee Owned Conference – Las Vegas, NV
  • Tennessee Federal Tax Conference – Franklin, TN

We are honored to have been a part of these various events and are grateful for the partnerships and relationships, both new and old, formed and strengthened during the fall ‘conference season.’

Additional highlights from our fall season include a successful annual firm retreat, where professionals from all our offices gathered at the historic Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. Two Mercer Capital professionals co-authored and released a booklet, Essential Financial Documents to Gather During Divorce. Four Mercer Capital professionals contributed to the newest edition of Shannon Pratt’s The Lawyer’s Business Valuation Handbook, published in October by the ABA Family Law Section and ASA. A Mercer Capital professional was honored at the AICPA Forensic & Valuation Conference with a Standing Ovation Award, recognizing rising professionals in the forensic and valuation professional industry. And most recently, Mercer Capital acquired Business Valuation Analysts, LLC, headquartered in Winter Park, Florida, strengthening our valuation tax services and deepening our commitment to serve the general Florida market. And we still have 6 more weeks to go in 2024!

From all of us at Mercer Capital, we send best wishes to you and yours in the upcoming 2024 holiday season!

What to Look for in a Purchase Price Allocation

Executive Summary

Purchase price allocation is a critical step in the transaction reporting process under ASC 805. Future amortization expense, changes in the fair value of earnout liabilities, and even goodwill impairment testing all depend on the outcome of the initial allocation. This article will provide an overview of the PPA process, discuss common intangible assets, and review some best practices and potential pitfalls.


A purchase price allocation is just that—the purchase price paid for an acquired business is allocated among the acquired tangible and separately-identifiable intangible assets.  The excess of the purchase price over these assets is residual goodwill. The following figure notes that the acquired assets are measured at fair value.    

The initial allocation of transaction consideration among the various assets is important because certain assets are depreciated, others amortized, and other items (like contingent consideration) are remeasured at fair value in subsequent periods.

Deal Structure and Consideration

Transaction structures can vary from relatively straightforward asset purchases to more complex stock acquisitions. While the transaction structure itself would not dictate which intangible assets should be recognized, the structure of a deal (e.g., taxable vs. non-taxable) could influence the fair value of the assets acquired. Purchase agreements may include balance sheet adjustments, complex earnout provisions, and specific requirements that interact with other documents like buy-sell agreements.  Understanding the industry characteristics of the acquired business can also provide valuable context to the identification and valuation of the intangible assets.

Deal consideration might include cash, notes, equity (rollover or otherwise), options, warrants, contingent consideration (or earnouts), and deferred consideration.  Most of these forms of payment are self-explanatory, but we find that rollover equity and earnout consideration can be particularly nuanced, so we provide an overview below.

Equity Consideration

In the context of a business combination, equity consideration typically refers to rollover equity, which is equity in the newly combined business.  In some industries, rollover equity has become more popular as a component of deal consideration.  The benefits of rollover equity, from the acquirer’s perspective, are twofold: 1) rollover equity helps align the interests of the sellers with the acquirer’s business, and 2) rollover equity, like contingent consideration, offers downside protection compared to cash consideration.  Advantages of rollover equity from the acquiree’s perspective include the satisfaction of continued ownership in the operations they manage and the opportunity to increase the value of their stock holdings alongside the acquirer.  After all, converting from “owner” to “employee” may feel like a demotion to some, even when accompanied by a multimillion-dollar payout.

Equity consideration may also include replacement of the acquiree’s share-based payment awards with those of the acquirer.  Depending on the exact nature of each party’s share award contracts, this item may impact the value of the consideration.

Contingent Consideration & Earnouts

We often see earnouts structured into a deal as a mechanism for bridging the gap between the price the acquirer wants to pay and the price the seller wants to receive.  Earnout payments can be based on revenue growth, earnings growth, employee retention, customer retention, or any other metric agreed upon by the parties.  Structuring a portion of the total purchase consideration as an earnout provides some downside protection for the acquirer while rewarding the seller for meeting or exceeding growth expectations.  Earnout arrangements represent a contingent liability for the acquirer that must be recorded at fair value on the acquisition date. Depending on the term of the earnout and the reporting requirements of the acquirer, the earnout liability may need to be remeasured quarterly or annually, with changes in the liability flowing through the income statement. When these liability changes are significant, they can introduce added volatility to an acquirer’s earnings.

Common Intangible Assets

The AICPA’s recently issued draft Accounting and Valuation Guide on Business Combinations provides guidance on the valuation of intangible assets.  A overview of some of the more common intangible assets is provided below.

Customer-Related Intangible Assets

Customer-related intangible assets (“CRIAs”) may include, for example, customer lists, order or production backlog, customer contracts and related customer relationships, noncontractual customer relationships, and customer loyalty programs.

In our experience, the most common CRIA is customer relationships, whether contractual or noncontractual. Generally, the value of existing customer relationships is based on the revenue and profitability expected to be generated by existing accounts, factoring in an expectation of annual account attrition.  Attrition is often estimated using historical client data, prospective characteristics, or industry churn/attrition rates.


Tradenames (or trademarks) are words, names, symbols, or other devices used in trade to indicate the source of a product and to distinguish it from the products of others. The fair value of a tradename in a business combination should reflect the perspective and expected use of the name by a market participant, not necessarily the subject acquirer.  Some acquirers might expect to use the acquired firm’s name into perpetuity or only use it during a transition period, as the acquired firm’s services are brought under the acquirer’s name.  This decision can depend on many factors, including the acquired firm’s reputation within a specific market, the acquirer’s desire to bring its services under a single name, and the ease of transitioning the acquired company’s existing client base.

Generally, tradename value can be derived with reference to the hypothetical royalty costs avoided through ownership of the name.  A royalty rate is often estimated through analysis of comparable transactions and an analysis of the characteristics of the individual firm’s name.  The present value of cost savings achieved by owning rather than licensing the name over the future use period provides a measure of the tradename value.

Noncompetition agreements

In many firms, especially services firms, a few top executives or managers may account for a large portion of new client generation.  Deals involving such firms will typically include non-competition and non-solicitation agreements that limit the potential damage to the company’s client and employee bases if such individuals were to leave.

These agreements often prohibit the covered individuals from soliciting business from existing clients or recruiting current company employees.  In the agreements we’ve observed, a restricted period of two to five years is common.  In certain situations, the agreement may also restrict the individuals from starting or working for a competing firm within the same market.  The value attributed to a non-competition agreement is derived from the expected impact of competition from the covered individuals on the firm’s cash flow and the likelihood of those individuals competing in the absence of an agreement.  Factors driving the likelihood of competition include the age of the covered individual and whether or not the covered individual has other incentives not to compete aside from the legal agreement.  For example, if the individual is a beneficiary of an earnout agreement or received equity in the acquirer as part of the deal, the probability of competition may be significantly lessened.    

Recently, the FTC has moved to place restrictions on non-competition agreements and, in most cases, disallow them.  However, non-competition agreements arising in connection with a transaction would most likely still be enforceable and, thus, hold value.

Technology (Patented and Unpatented)

Technology-based intangible assets may include software, databases, license agreements, patents, know-how, or trade secrets.  To be allocated value, technology assets must generally be separable, documentable, transferable, or otherwise distinguishable from other acquired assets.

Technology assets are typically allocated value based on the cash flow or revenue stream the asset is expected to generate over its useful life. The fair value of a technology-based asset would consider the existing functionality of the technology, anticipated market demand, and functional/economic obsolescence of the existing technology.

In-Process Research and Development Assets (IPR&D)

Intangible assets used in research and development activities acquired in a business combination are initially recognized at fair value and classified as indefinite lived assets until completion or abandonment. IPR&D is typically valued using the income approach.  In certain circumstances, the cost approach may be applied instead, depending on the stage of development.  In subsequent periods, an IPR&D asset would be subject to periodic impairment testing. Upon completion or abandonment of the R&D efforts, the acquirer would reassess the useful life of the indefinite lived intangible asset.

Operating Rights

Operating rights are legal rights necessary to operate a business.  Key characteristics of operating rights include regulations governing access, use, and transfer of the asset, as well as scarcity of the asset.  Operating rights include commercial franchise agreements, government-granted broadcast licenses or taxi medallions, and government-granted monopoly rights.  Operating rights are typically valued using the income approach. In certain industries, operating rights may comprise a significant portion of the fair value in a purchase price allocation because of the legal necessity to possess such rights in order to operate the subject business, as well as their limited availability.   

Assembled workforce

In general, the value of the assembled workforce is a function of the avoided hiring and assembly costs associated with finding and training new talent.  An existing employee base with market knowledge, strong client relationships, and an existing network may suggest a higher value allocation to the assembled workforce.  Unlike the other intangible assets previously discussed, the assembled workforce value is not recognized or reported separately, but instead is included as an element of goodwill under GAAP. The value of an assembled workforce is commonly valued as a supporting (or contributory) asset to other, more pivotal, intangible assets in a transaction (such as customer relationships or technology).


Goodwill arises in a transaction as the difference between the price paid for a company and the value of its identifiable assets (tangible and intangible).  Expectations of synergies, strategic market location, and access to a particular industry niche are common examples of the factors that contribute to residual goodwill value. Generally speaking, the higher the price paid in a transaction (relative to other bidders or the prevailing “market” price in the industry), the more goodwill will be recorded.

Allocation to goodwill is ultimately calculated based on the unique factors pertaining to each transaction.  Goodwill allocation trends may vary both between and within industries. For example, Mercer Capital’s Energy Team’s 2023 Energy PPA Study found that the percentage of consideration allocated to goodwill varied between oilfield services companies and midstream companies.

Goodwill must be tested for impairment under certain circumstances, such as changes in the macroeconomic environment or in firm-specific metrics. The accounting guidance in ASC 350 prescribes that interim goodwill impairment tests may be necessary in the case of certain “triggering” events. For public companies, perhaps the most easily observable triggering event is a decline in stock price, but other factors may constitute a triggering event. Further, these factors apply to both public and private companies, even those private companies that have previously elected to amortize goodwill under ASU 2017-04.

Potential Pitfalls and Best Practices for PPAs

What are some of the pitfalls in purchase price allocations?

Sometimes differences arise between expectations or estimates prior to the transaction and fair value measurements performed after the transaction. An example is contingent consideration arrangements. Estimates from the deal team’s calculations could vary from the fair value of the corresponding liability measured and reported for GAAP purposes. This could create misunderstandings at the management or board level about the anticipated payments or the magnitude of future payment exposure.

Similarly, to the extent that amortization estimates are prepared prior to the transaction, any variance in the allocation of total transaction value to amortizable intangible assets and non-amortized, indefinite lived assets – be they identifiable intangible assets or goodwill – could also lead to different future EPS estimates for the acquirer.

How can I learn what intangible assets are commonly recognized in my industry?

At Mercer Capital, we have prepared hundreds of purchase price allocations across numerous industries. We discuss these types of questions frequently with prospective and current clients. One common method of answering this question is to review public filings of companies in your industry to review their purchase price disclosures. Many companies will disclose the types of intangible assets acquired, their relative values, and useful life estimates for various assets. These types of disclosures can be very helpful when planning for a purchase price allocation.

What are the benefits of looking at the allocation process early?

The opportunity to think through and talk about some of the unusual elements of the more involved transactions can be enormously helpful. We view the dialogue we have with clients when we prepare a preliminary PPA estimate prior to closing as a particularly important part of the project. It can also be helpful to hold a preliminary call with the valuation team and the external auditor to discuss the potential intangible assets in the deal, the anticipated valuation methods/approaches, and any unique circumstances. This deliberative process results in a more robust analysis that is easier for the external auditors to review, and thus better stands the test of time, requiring fewer true-ups or other adjustments in the future.

While ASC 805 permits companies up to one year to finalize and true-up the allocation, the time to begin estimating the accounting and financial impact from the intangible asset allocation is before a deal closes, not the week before the audit or quarterly filing is due.


The proper identification and allocation of value to intangible assets and the calculation of those asset fair values require both valuation expertise and knowledge of the subject industry.  Mercer Capital brings these together with decades of experience in financial reporting matters across nearly every major industry. If your company has recently completed a transaction or is contemplating its next acquisition, call one of our professionals to discuss your valuation needs in confidence.

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Fed Rate Cut(s) – Now What?

Rate cycles are predictable in one sense: a period of falling rates tends to follow a period of rising rates. The opposite is true, too. How much and how long the cycle will take are questions to ask, but are unknowable.  Another question to ponder is whether the Fed leads or follows the market, when setting its short-term policy rates.

Now that the pandemic interest rate cycle is complete (rate cuts in 2020, rate hikes in 2022-2023) and a new “downrate” cycle has begun. We take a high-level look at changes in yields, cost of funds (COF) and net interest margins (NIM) from past cycles to gauge how he unfolding downrate cycle may impact margins.

The figure below details the change in COFs and yields from the last quarter before the Fed began to raise rates (4Q21) and 2Q24 – the last quarter before the Fed initiated the first of what presumably will be multiple cuts by reducing its policy rates by 50 basis points (bps) in mid-September. As an aside, the increase of ~50bps in long-term U.S. Treasury yields and ~$200/ounce in gold since the cut implies the downrate cycle may be limited.

Click here to expand the image above

By way of reference, immediately before the first hike in March 2022, the Fed funds target rate was 0.00-0.25%, bank prime was 3.25%, and the 10-year Treasury yielded ~2%.  Before the Fed cut in mid-September, the fed funds range was 5.25-5.50%, the bank prime was 8.5%, and the 10-year Treasury yielded ~3.7%.

As shown below, there is a direct correlation between asset size and cost of interest-bearing funds. Larger banks reported a higher cost of funds in 2Q24, presumably given the competitive nature of more urban markets and greater reliance on wholesale funding whereas smaller banks arguably have somewhat less competition and are less reliant on wholesale funding. Small banks reported a lower increase in cost of funds between 4Q21 and 2Q24 of ~200bps compared to ~300bps for large banks (note: the FDIC defines community banks as having assets less than $10 billion).

The increase in funding costs also occurred against the backdrop of a flood of liquidity into the banking system during 2020 and 2021. This left the spread between deposit rates and short-term market yields unusually wide on the eve of the failure of SVB, that in turn forced most banks to aggressively reprice deposits.

As for loan yields, smaller banks reported a higher yield in 2Q24 as larger markets are more competitive and pricing is tighter. Larger banks reported a more substantial increase in loan yield between 4Q21 and 2Q24, primarily given more loans with a base rate tied to SOFR. Yield on securities were all relatively similar in 4Q21 but increased more for larger banks for several reasons (shorter maturities, greater willingness to take losses to reposition the portfolio, etc.).

Consistent with history, NIM was highest for small banks and was lowest for large banks in 2Q24. Interestingly, the bookends were the biggest beneficiaries in terms of margin expansion during the most recent up rate cycle.

The next figure provides a look at the change in the COF, yields and NIMs during the up rate cycle of 1994 and subsequent down rate cycle of 2Q95 to 1Q99. Although the Fed hiked its policy rates 300bps in a little over 12 months and thereby produced a ferocious bond bear market in 1994, bank fundamentals remained solid given a backdrop of a growing economy and stable real estate values. The median change in the COF was 80bps while the median yield on loans increased 57bps. However, the delta between bank prime rate and yield on loans tightened from 4Q93 (~300bps) to 2Q95 (~70bps). Net interest margin was approximately flat between time periods.

Between 2Q95 and 1Q99 the Fed lowered the policy rate 125bps as inflationary pressures receded (1995-96) and later as the global currency and LTCM crisis took hold (1998). For banks, this resulted in a modest COF reduction (20bps lower) while loan yields declined more significantly (65bps) which resulted in a lower NIM for the industry.

After the dotcom bubble burst in 2000, the Fed cut its policy rate to 1.0% and thereby ignited a housing bubble that eventually popped in the 425bps hiking cycle of 2004-2006, which in turn was the catalyst for cuts that ended with a zero interest rate policy—ZIRP—in December 2008.

In our last figure, we compare changes in the COF/yields/NIM between 2Q04 before the first hike with 3Q07 immediately before the first cut as the disaster begins to unfold, and then 3Q07 with 1Q09 after ZIRP was implemented.

The median change in the COF was 173 basis points between 2Q04 and 3Q07, while yield on loans increased 146 bps and NIM was flattish. Similar to the 1990s scenario discussed previously, the delta between loan yield and bank prime tightened during the uprate cycle while the increase in COF was less than half of the increase in fed funds rates.

What began with a 50bps rate cut in the fall of 2007 eventually increased to a 525bps reduction by year-end 2008. By 1Q09, the median COF reduction was 128bps while loan yields fell 160bps. The result was a median reduction in the NIM of 27bps. However, our measurement period does not do justice to the impact of ZIRP on NIMs in which the value of NIB deposits were crushed vs a “normal” environment when short-term rates are in the vicinity of 4%. Over the next several years, NIMs would decline as asset yields fell much more than funding costs.   

Where from here? We do not know for sure, but bank investors are optimistic that Fed rate cuts will allow banks to cut their COFs more than yields decline and thereby produce limited margin expansion after a period of margin pressure due to the need to aggressively reprice deposits post-SVB.

Count us as skeptical – besides the data is nuanced as are individual bank balance sheets.

For both cycles (1990s and pre-GFC 2000s), NIM was flat on the way up but declined in down rate scenarios. During 2Q22-1Q23, bank NIMs expanded as banks sat on deposit rates as yields rose with 525bps of Fed hikes. Since 2Q23, NIMs trended lower until what appeared to be emerging stability with initial 3Q24 earnings reports. It may be that limited Fed cuts over the balance of the current down rate cycle may be neutral for NIMs, whereas if the Fed is forced to cut sharply for whatever reason will produce lower NIMs in time.

Fairness Opinions: Evaluating a Buyer’s Shares from the Seller’s Perspective

Strong performance of U.S. equity markets in 2024 combined with narrowing credit spreads in the high yield bond, leverage loan and private credit markets are powerful stimulants for M&A activity. According to the Boston Consulting Group, U.S. M&A activity based upon deal values rose 21% though September 30 compared to the same period in 2023 after Fed rate hikes during 2022 and 1H23 weighed on deal activity.

Deal activity measured by the number of announced deals is less compelling as deal activity has been dominated by a number of large transactions in the energy, technology and consumer sectors.

While large company M&A may continue, the broadening rally in the equity markets (Russell 2000 +13% YTD through October 16; S&P 400 Midcap Index +14%) suggests that deal activity by “strategic” buyers may increase. If so, deals where publicly-traded acquirers issue shares to the target will increase, too, because M&A activity and multiples have a propensity to increase as the buyers’ shares trend higher.

It is important for sellers to keep in mind that negotiations with acquirers where the consideration will consist of the buyer’s common shares are about the exchange ratio rather than price, which is the product of the exchange ratio and buyer’s share price.

When sellers are solely focused on price, it is easier all else equal for strategic acquirers to ink a deal when their shares trade at a high multiple. However, high multiple stocks represent an under-appreciated risk to sellers who receive the shares as consideration. Accepting the buyer’s stock raises a number of questions, most which fall into the genre of: what are the investment merits of the buyer’s shares? The answer may not be obvious even when the buyer’s shares are actively traded.

Our experience is that some if not most members of a board weighing an acquisition proposal do not have the background to thoroughly evaluate the buyer’s shares. Even when financial advisors are involved, there still may not be a thorough vetting of the buyer’s shares because there is too much focus on “price” instead of, or in addition to, “value.”

A fairness opinion is more than a three- or four-page letter that opines as to fairness of the consideration from a financial point of a contemplated transaction. The opinion should be backed by a robust analysis of all of the relevant factors considered in rendering the opinion, including an evaluation of the shares to be issued to the selling company’s shareholders. The intent is not to express an opinion about where the shares may trade in the future, but rather to evaluate the investment merits of the shares before and after a transaction is consummated.

Key questions to ask about the buyer’s shares include the following:

  • Liquidity of the Shares.What is the capacity to sell the shares issued in the merger? SEC registration and NASADQ and NYSE listings do not guarantee that large blocks can be liquidated efficiently. OTC traded shares should be heavily scrutinized, especially if the acquirer is not an SEC registrant. Generally, the higher the institutional ownership, the better the liquidity. Also, liquidity may improve with an acquisition if the number of shares outstanding and shareholders increase sufficiently.
  • Profitability and Revenue Trends. The analysis should consider the buyer’s historical growth and projected growth in revenues, EBITDA and net income as well as trends and comparisons with peers of profitability ratios.
  • Reported vs Core Earnings. The quality of earnings and a comparison of core vs. reported earnings over a multi-year period should be evaluated (preferably over the last five years and last five quarters) with particular sensitivity to a preponderance of adjustments that increase core earnings.
  • Pro Forma Impact. The analysis should consider the impact of a proposed transaction on the pro forma balance sheet, income statement and capital structure in addition to dilution or accretion in EBITDA per share, earnings per share and tangible book value per share both from the seller’s and buyer’s perspective.
  • Shareholder Dividends. Sellers should not be overly swayed by the pick-up in dividends from swapping into the buyer’s shares; however, multiple studies have demonstrated that a sizable portion of an investor’s return comes from dividends over long periods of time. Sellers should examine the sustainability of current dividends and the prospect for increases (or decreases). Also, if the dividend yield is notably above the peer average, the seller should ask why? Is it payout related, or are the shares depressed?
  • Share Repurchases. Does the acquirer allocate some portion of cash flow for repurchases? If not, why not assuming adequate cash flow to do so?
  • Capex Requirements. An analysis of capex requirements should focus on whether the business plan will necessitate a step-up in spending vs history and if so implications for shareholder distributions.
  • Capital Stack.Sellers should have a full understanding of the buyer’s capital structure and the amount of cash flow that must be dedicated to debt service before considering capex and shareholder distributions.
  • Revenue Concentrations. Does the buyer have any revenue or supplier concentrations? If so, what would be the impact if lost and how is the concentration reflected in the buyer’s current valuation.
  • Ability to Raise Cash to Close.What is the source of funds for the buyer to fund the cash portion of consideration? If the buyer has to go to market to issue equity and/or debt, what is the contingency plan if unfavorable market conditions preclude floating an issue?
  • Consensus Analyst Estimates.If the buyer is publicly traded and has analyst coverage, consideration should be given to Street expectations vs. what the diligence process determines. If Street expectations are too high, then the shares may be vulnerable once investors reassess their earnings and growth expectations.
  • Valuation. Like profitability, valuation of the buyer’s shares should be judged relative to its history and a peer group presently and relative to a peer group through time to examine how investors’ views of the shares may have evolved through market and profit cycles.
  • Share Performance.Sellers should understand the source of the buyer’s shares performance over several multi-year holding periods. For example, if the shares have significantly outperformed an index over a given holding period, is it because earnings growth accelerated? Or, is it because the shares were depressed at the beginning of the measurement period? Likewise, underperformance may signal disappointing earnings, or it may reflect a starting point valuation that was unusually high.
  • Strategic Position. Assuming an acquisition is material for the buyer, directors of the selling board should consider the strategic position of the buyer, asking such questions about the attractiveness of the pro forma company to other acquirers?
  • Contingent Liabilities. Contingent liabilities are a standard item on the due diligence punch list for a buyer. Sellers should evaluate contingent liabilities too.

The list does not encompass every question that should be asked as part of the fairness analysis, but it does illustrate that a liquid market for a buyer’s shares does not necessarily answer questions about value, growth potential and risk profile. We at Mercer Capital have extensive experience in valuing and evaluating the shares (and debt) of financial and non-financial service companies garnered from over three decades of business.

Vulcan Materials’ Acquisition of U.S. Concrete

Is the Price Right?

As participants in and observers of mergers and acquisitions, the 2021 acquisition of U.S. Concrete, Inc. (“U.S. Concrete”) by Vulcan Materials Company (“Vulcan Materials”) (NYSE: VMC) is a terrific opportunity to study the valuation nuances of the construction and building materials industry. In this article, we look at the fairness opinions delivered by Evercore and BNP Paribas rendered to the U.S. Concrete board regarding the transaction and provide some observations on the methodologies utilized by these two investment banks.

First, a little background on the two parties to the transaction before we delve into the analysis. At the time of the acquisition, U.S. Concrete was a publicly traded leading supplier of aggregates and concrete for infrastructure, residential, and commercial projects across the country, holding leading positions in high-growth metropolitan markets. Vulcan Materials, a member of the S&P 500 index, is the largest producer of construction aggregates, such as crushed stone, sand, and gravel in the U.S. and a major producer of aggregates-based construction materials such as asphalt and ready-mix concrete.

U.S. Concrete agreed to be acquired by Vulcan Materials at a price of $74.00 per share, or $1.3 billion, on June 7, 2021. The $74.00 per share offer price represented an approximate 30% premium to U.S. Concrete’s closing stock price of $57.14 on June 4, 2021, the last trading day before the deal was announced. The implied enterprise value of the deal was tallied at $2.1 billion. Deal multiples included 27.5x analysts’ consensus EPS for the next 12 months and 10.3x NTM EBITDA.

This deal was no surprise to industry observers. U.S. Concrete had engaged Evercore for strategic advisement during the onslaught of COVID-19, as the company’s stock price had dropped from $41.25 per share on January 2, 2020 to an intraday low of $6.75 on March 18, 2020. Evercore and U.S. Concrete considered numerous strategic actions, including executing a noncore disposition, growing the aggregates segment, and pursuing additional capital, but ultimately, U.S. Concrete decided the best path forward was to merge with Vulcan Materials.

The Evercore and BNP Paribas Fairness Opinions

The proxy statement dated July 13, 2021 enumerated the reasons the U.S. Concrete board approved the merger agreement, including the fairness opinions that opined the consideration to be received by U.S. Concrete shareholders was fair from a financial point of view. (A link to the proxy statement can be found here).

A fairness opinion provides an analysis of the financial aspects of a proposed transaction from the point of view of one or more parties to the transaction, usually expressing an opinion about the consideration though sometimes the transaction itself. Ideally, the opinion is provided by an independent advisor that does not stand to receive a success fee, especially when the transaction is a close call or involves real or perceived conflicts. In the case of the Vulcan Materials-U.S. Concrete transaction, both U.S. Concrete advisors stood to receive much larger contingent fees if the transaction was consummated compared to the fixed fee fairness opinions. Evercore received a fee of $3 million for the fairness opinion and was to be paid a success fee of $19.75 million. BNP Paribas’ opinion and success fees were $2.0 million and $6.4 million, respectively.

Guideline Public Company (“GPC”) Analysis

Evercore and BNP Paribas reviewed and compared specific financial and operating data relating to U.S. Concrete with selected GPCs deemed comparable to U.S. Concrete. The GPC’s used by each advisor were as follows.  We note that Evercore selected four additional GPCs in addition to the four selected by BNP Paribas. We are not privy to Evercore’s reasoning for selecting the four additional GPCs.

The following table compares the selected GPC’s high, low, and median EV/estimated EBITDA multiples, the reference ranges of multiples selected by Evercore and BNP Paribas, which were based on quantitative and qualitative factors alike, and an implied equity value per share, determined through the relevant ranges of multiples.

Both banks used publicly available market estimates and financial data, including S&P Cap IQ, to estimate EBITDA; however, BNP Paribas also took consensus analyst research estimates into account when determining the figures. When determining the relevant range, both BNP Paribas and Evercore used qualitative factors such as size, market exposure, growth prospects, and profitability levels alongside quantitative factors.

A quick glance at the table above indicates that Evercore’s reference range for both EV/estimated 2021 EBITDA and EV/estimated 2022 EBITDA generally falls above the lowest observed multiple on the low-end and approximates the median observed multiple on the high-end. While BNP Paribas’ respective reference ranges are nearly identical to Evercore’s reference ranges, BNP Paribas’ reference ranges fall below the lowest multiples observed for its selected GPCs. Presumably, Evercore’s selection of four additional GPCs has influenced Evercore’s reference ranges.

Guideline Transaction (M&A) Analysis

Evercore and BNP Paribas both explored past transactions of controlling interests in companies operating in the same industries as U.S. Concrete and Vulcan Materials to make assumptions about the equity value based on the implied multiples of each transaction. The transactions examined by each company are listed below.  Evercore segregated its selected guideline transactions into two groups, Aggregates and Downstream and Other while BNP Paribas segregated its selected guideline transactions into three groups, Integrated, Aggregates, and Ready-Mix Concrete.

The analyses of both companies’ approaches to transactions are shown below.

Click here to expand the image above

These multiples lead each bank to a very different conclusion in terms of guideline transactions. With a reference range of 9.5x-11.0x, Evercore’s analytics indicate that equity value should range between $60.25 and $76.75 per share.  BNP Paribas settled on an 8.5x-10.5x reference range, implying an equity value between $44.55 and $65.71. We note the following observations from the guideline transaction approaches taken by Evercore and BNP Paribas:

  • A one turn higher multiple on the low-end (from 8.5x to 9.5x) results in a 35.2% higher value by Evercore
  • A half-turn higher multiple on the high-end (from 10.5x to 11.5x) results in a 16.8% higher value by Evercore
  • BNP Paribas’ high-end equity value per share of $65.71 is only 9.1% higher than Evercore’s low-end equity value per share of $60.25.

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

Both Evercore and BNP Paribas performed a discounted cash flow (“DCF”) analysis. The DCF is used universally across business valuation, and especially so in fairness opinions. The gist of the analysis reflects the discounting of unlevered cash flows over a discrete period and the projected debt-free value of the company at the end of the projection period to present values based upon the weighted average cost of capital.  Net debt is then subtracted to derive the indicated equity value.

A quick glance at the table below reveals that Evercore’s low-end DCF analysis produced an equity value per share approximately 23.7% higher than BNP Paribas’ low-end DCF analysis, but Evercore’s high-end DCF analysis produced an equity value per share only approximately 4.0% higher than BNP Paribas high-end DCF analysis.

Historical Share Price Analysis

Both banks reviewed the 52-week trading history ending on June 4, 2021 ($20.77-$78.99 per share) for U.S. Concrete and compared this range to both the merger price of $74.00 per share and the closing price on June 4th at $57.14 per share. However, both banks noted that they only used this data for informational purposes and that it was not taken into consideration for the valuation process of U.S. Concrete.

Research Analyst’s Price Targets

Just like the historical share price analysis, the research analyst’s price targets were not considered material for either bank’s valuation. Nevertheless, the range of price targets that both Evercore and BNP Paribas observed spanned from $39.00 to $80.00 with Evercore stating a median target at $65.00.

BNP Paribas’ and Evercore’s Conclusions

Both banks opined that, from a financial point of view, the consideration to be received by the stockholders of U.S. Concrete in the proposed transaction was fair to such stockholders. As can be seen in the graph below, the $74.00 share price fits into most ranges towards the top end of each range in both banks’ valuations. The deal was officially completed and closed on August 26, 2021.


*All charts and figures in the article are sourced from U.S. Concrete, Inc.’s Schedule 14A Proxy Statement

Connelly v. United States – Considerations in Divorce

Our founder, Chris Mercer, recently wrote a case review regarding the Supreme Court’s decision in the matter of Connelly v. United States. This case involved two brothers, Michael and Thomas Connelly, who were the sole shareholders of a small building supply corporation. They entered into an agreement to ensure that the company would stay in the family if either passed away. Under that agreement, the corporation would be required to redeem (i.e., purchase) the deceased brother’s shares. To fund the possible share redemption, the corporation obtained life insurance on each brother. After Michael died, a dispute arose over how to value his shares for calculating his estate tax. The central question is whether the corporation’s obligation to redeem Michael’s shares was a liability that decreased the value of those shares.

The primary takeaway from that decision is that life insurance received at the death of a shareholder is a corporate asset that adds to the value of the company for federal gift and estate tax purposes.

While the case itself directly addressed tax law, with regard to deferred compensation and taxation of assets, its implications extend beyond tax law alone. This ruling also has relevance in the realm of divorce valuations, where the accurate assessment of assets is crucial. In this article we highlight some specific areas where the Connelly case has relevance for business owner clients going through a divorce.

Tax Implications and Fair Division

In the context of Connelly v. United States, when calculating the federal estate tax, the value of a decedent’s shares in a closely held corporation must reflect the corporation’s fair market value. Life-insurance proceeds payable to a corporation are an asset that increase fair market value. The question in this case is whether the contractual obligation to redeem the decedent’s shares at fair market value offsets the value of life-insurance proceeds committed to funding that redemption.

The Supreme Court concluded no. Because the Court determined a fair-market-value redemption has no effect on any shareholder’s economic interest, and no hypothetical buyer purchasing the decedent’s shares would have treated the life-insurance obligation as a factor that reduced the value of those shares.

However, the decision is a reminder also for family law valuations to consider future tax liabilities when dividing marital assets pursuant to a divorce. The eventual tax obligations should be accounted for in the present value of the settlement. Otherwise, one spouse could potentially receive an asset that appears more valuable but carries a significant tax burden when eventually realized.

Deferred Assets and Equitable Distribution of Risk

The Connelly decision underscores the idea that risk should be considered in asset valuation. In divorce cases, this suggests family law matter should account for potential fluctuations in the value of deferred corporate assets, ensuring that both parties share equally in any future financial risks or rewards. Another element is timing.

Should stock options granted during the marriage but vesting after divorce be valued at the date of divorce assuming the full stock options or considering a coverture fraction on the stock options?

Designed to both reward performance and retain employees, these benefits can be difficult to value, particularly at a random moment for the purpose of marital dissolution. The Connelly decision provides a useful analogy by emphasizing that the timing of valuation has material consequences and can affect how equitable the division appears in hindsight.

The Need for a Financial Expert

Most family law cases that require the use of a financial expert share some combination of the following: a high-dollar marital estate, complex financial issues, business valuation(s) performed, and/or the need for forensic services. In the Connelly case, there were intricate financial issues regarding the life insurance corporate asset as well as the potential corporate liability to repurchase shares upon the death of a shareholder.


Determining the present value for deferred compensation assets like pensions or life-insurance plans can be legally and financially complex. When these types of situations occur in the context of a divorce, an experienced financial expert that can communicate their opinions and conclusions on these issues is a priceless asset for your team.

Buy-Sell Agreements: Valuation Handbook for Attorneys

Published by the American Bar Association, Buy-Sell Agreements: Valuation Handbook for Attorneys is a one-of-a-kind resource for attorneys representing business owners.

Well-prepared buy-sell agreements establish a valuation process to set the price at which a transaction will occur when trigger events happen. Many, if not most, buy-sell agreements in existence today have dated language pertaining to the description of their appraisal processes and the definitions of the price to be set by these processes.

The book, penned by Mercer Capital’s Z. Christopher Mercer, FASA, CFA, ASA, a business appraiser and veteran of many buy-sell agreement disputes, scrutinizes common issues in current agreements and suggests improvements.

The book also provides seven elements that should be clearly defined in every agreement, including:

  • Standard of value (like fair market value)
  • Level of value (like financial control)
  • Going concern requirement
  • “As-of” date
  • Qualifications of appraisers
  • Appraisal standards to be followed
  • Consideration of life insurance proceeds

The importance of this last element has been heightened by the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Connelly, which affects buy-sell agreements involving life insurance, as discussed in the book’s appendix.

Importantly, the book provides example language for consideration by attorneys when drafting buy-sell agreements that contain language important to the valuation process.

Attorneys will find that Buy-Sell Agreements: Valuation Handbook for Attorneys will be an invaluable resource for reviewing existing agreements or drafting new ones.

** NOTE ** : Clicking the “Add to Cart” button takes you to the ABA’s website where you can order.


2024 Core Deposit Intangibles Update

Since Mercer Capital’s most recently published article on core deposit trends in September 2023, deal activity in the banking industry has continued to be rather anemic, but could be showing signs of recovery.  Although deal activity has been slow, we have seen a marginal uptick in core deposit intangible values relative to this time last year.

On July 26, 2023, the Federal Reserve increased the target federal funds rate by 25 basis points, capping off a collective increase of 525 basis points since March 2022.  Although cuts to the fed funds target rate were anticipated several times over the past year, no changes materialized until the Federal Reserve’s September 2024 meeting.   While many factors are pertinent to analyzing a deposit base, a significant driver of value is market interest rates.  All else equal, lower market rates lead to lower core deposit values.  As shown below, the yield curve for U.S. Treasuries has shifted downward relative to last year at this time, and the market expects further downward movement in short-term rates in the near term.   

Figure 1: U.S. Treasury Yield Curve

Trends in CDI Values

Using data compiled by S&P Capital IQ Pro, we analyzed trends in core deposit intangible (CDI) assets recorded in whole bank acquisitions completed from 2000 through mid-September 2024.  CDI values represent the value of the depository customer relationships obtained in a bank acquisition.  CDI values are driven by many factors, including the “stickiness” of a customer base, the types of deposit accounts assumed, the level of noninterest income generated, and the cost of the acquired deposit base compared to alternative sources of funding.  For our analysis of industry trends in CDI values, we relied on S&P Capital IQ Pro’s definition of core deposits.1  In analyzing core deposit intangible assets for individual acquisitions, however, a more detailed analysis of the deposit base would consider the relative stability of various account types.  In general, CDI assets derive most of their value from lower-cost demand deposit accounts, while often significantly less (if not zero) value is ascribed to more rate-sensitive time deposits and public funds.  Non-retail funding sources such as listing service or brokered deposits are excluded from core deposits when determining the value of a CDI.

Figure 2, on the next page, summarizes the trend in CDI values since the start of the 2008 recession, compared with rates on 5-year FHLB advances.  Over the post-recession period, CDI values have largely followed the general trend in interest rates—as alternative funding became more costly in 2017 and 2018, CDI values generally ticked up as well, relative to post-recession average levels.  Throughout 2019, CDI values exhibited a declining trend in light of yield curve inversion and Fed cuts to the target federal funds rate during the back half of 2019.  This trend accelerated in March 2020 when rates were effectively cut to zero.

Figure 2: CDI as % of Acquired Core Deposits

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro

Click here to expand the image above

CDI values have increased meaningfully in the past few years (averaging 2.74% through mid-September 2024).  This compares to 2.58% all of 2023, 1.61% all of 2022 and 0.63% for all of 2021.  Recent values are above the post-recession average of 1.47%, and on par with longer-term historical levels which averaged closer to 2.5% to 3.0% in the early 2000s.   

As shown in Figure 2, reported CDI values have followed the general trend of the increase in FHLB rates.   However, the averages should be taken with a grain of salt.  The chart is provided to illustrate the general directional trend in value as opposed to being predictive of specific indications of CDI value due the following factors:

  • Last week’s Federal Reserve rate cuts are not reflected in the data above. While the impact on CDI values of one 50 basis point reduction in the fed funds target rate may not be highly material—given that the forward rate curve has anticipated falling short-term interest rates for some time—continued reductions in the fed funds target rate or downward shifts in the yield curve may result in a larger decline in CDI values.    
  • General market averages do not reflect the individual characteristics of a particular subject’s deposit base.
  • Some of the values presented above reflect the estimated core deposit intangible value at deal announcement, rather than the final core deposit intangible value as determined post-closing.

Twenty-three deals were announced in July, August, and the first half of September, and ten of those deals provided either investor presentations or earnings calls containing CDI estimates.  Excluding one outlier with a 1.06% estimated CDI value, these CDI estimates ranged from 2.7% to 4.1%. However, the CDI premiums cited in investor presentations can be somewhat difficult to compare, as acquirers may use different definitions of core deposits when calculating the CDI premiums reported to investors.  For example, some acquirers may include CDs in the calculation, while other buyers may exclude CDs or include only certain types of CDs.

Generally, we expect CDI values to fall in concert with falling market interest rates.  How fast they decline could depend several factors:

  • Cost of Funds. Although many believe deposit rates have peaked, a possibility remains that deposit rates will not be as flexible on the way down.  For example, notifications of lower rates may trigger some depositors, now accustomed to higher rates, to seek alternatives. Banks may need to weigh their desire to reduce deposit rates against the need to preserve deposit balances.  As shown on Figure 3, in falling rate environments, the median cost of funds has tended to decrease at a slower rate than the fed funds target rate.  However, interest rate beta is in part determined by the size of the financial institution, as evidenced by Figure 4.
  • Deposit Levels.  In 2022, total industry deposits fell 1.1%, the largest annual decline on record.2 Last year at this time, less than half of respondents expected deposits to increase at their organization over the next 12 months.  However, deposits have been relatively flat since this time last year.  In the same survey for the second quarter of 2024, three out of five bankers expect deposits to grow over the next twelve months.3  All else equal, lower deposit runoff assumptions lead to higher indications of CDI value.

Figure 3: Median Cost of Funds as Compared to Target Fed Funds Rate

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro


Figure 4: Cost of Funds by Asset Size – 2Q22 to 2Q24

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro


Figure 5: Total Industry Deposits Per Federal Reserve H.8 Release

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro


  • Deposit Mix and Deposit Beta. Over the past decade, nationwide average deposit mix has shifted in favor of noninterest bearing deposits.  In 2023 and 2024, this trend began to reverse in a higher interest rate environment.  However, the deposit mix shift toward interest bearing deposits might not continue in a falling interest rate environment.  As noninterest-bearing deposits have higher CDI values, this could be a mitigating factor for the anticipated decline in CDI values.
  • Uncertain Rate Outlook. At present, the upside risks to inflation have diminished. Should recent positive inflation trends reverse, the Federal Reserve is likely to pause interest rate cuts or even increase rates again.   Seven of the FOMC participants expect a further 25 basis point cut in 2024, while nine predict 50 basis points of additional cuts.  Two predict no additional cuts, and one predicts a total of 75 basis points of cuts.

Figure 6: Deposit Mix Over Time

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro


  • Other Factors.  More details within the deposit trial balance tend to provide more meaningful indications of depositor value – and this is especially important to consider on the front end of a deal.  When possible, we like to see a customer relationship identifier, information on industry concentrations, more granular detail on account types, several years of deposit history, demographic details surrounding customer age and location, and average account balances over time.

    Admittedly, this level of detail is not always feasible due to data limitations, but more detail contributes to a more comprehensive “story” of the deposit base. Before you can value the core deposit intangible asset, you need to begin by ascertaining which accounts and balances are “core”.  Furthermore, sometimes a particular relationship might be core, but some or most of its balances at a particular point in time might not be.

Trends In Deposit Premiums Relative To CDI Asset Values

Core deposit intangible assets are related to, but not identical to, deposit premiums paid in acquisitions.  While CDI assets are an intangible asset recorded in acquisitions to capture the value of the customer relationships the deposits represent, deposit premiums paid are a function of the purchase price of an acquisition.  Deposit premiums in whole bank acquisitions are computed based on the excess of the purchase price over the target’s tangible book value, as a percentage of the core deposit base.

While deposit premiums often capture the value to the acquirer of assuming the established funding source of the core deposit base (that is, the value of the deposit franchise), the purchase price also reflects factors unrelated to the deposit base, such as the quality of the acquired loan portfolio, unique synergy opportunities anticipated by the acquirer, etc.  As shown in Figure 7, deposit premiums paid in whole bank acquisitions have shown more volatility than CDI values.  Deposit premiums were in the range of 6% to 10% from 2015 to 2022, although this remained well below the pre-Great Recession levels when premiums for whole bank acquisitions averaged closer to 20%.  Net interest margin pressure—caused by assets originated at low rates during the pandemic and deposits that proved more rate sensitive than expected—resulted in deposit premiums in 2024 falling to levels last seen in the Great Financial Crisis.

Additional factors may influence the purchase price to an extent that the calculated deposit premium doesn’t necessarily bear a strong relationship to the value of the core deposit base to the acquirer. This influence is often less relevant in branch transactions where the deposit base is the primary driver of the transaction and the relationship between the purchase price and the deposit base is more direct.  Figure 8 presents deposit premiums paid in whole bank acquisitions as compared to premiums paid in branch transactions.

Deposit premiums paid in branch transactions have generally been less volatile than tangible book value premiums paid in whole bank acquisitions.  Only two branch transactions with reported premium data have occurred year-to-date in 2024.  For those transactions, the deposit premiums were 7.5% and 4.0%.  The lack of branch transactions, though, is indictive of their value.  With high short-term funding costs and tight liquidity, few banks have been willing to part with stable, low-cost core deposits.

Figure 7: CDI Recorded vs. Deposit Premium

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro


Figure 8: Average Deposit Premiums Paid

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro

Accounting For CDI Assets

Based on the data for acquisitions for which core deposit intangible detail was reported, a majority of banks selected a ten-year amortization term for the CDI values booked.  Less than 10% of transactions for which data was available selected amortization terms longer than ten years.  Amortization methods were somewhat more varied, but an accelerated amortization method, including the sum-of-the-years digits method, was selected in approximately two-thirds of these transactions.

For more information about Mercer Capital’s core deposit valuation services, please contact a member of our Depository Institutions team.

Figure 9: Selected Amortization Term (Years)

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro


Figure 10: Selected Amortization Method

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro

1 S&P Capital IQ Pro defines core deposits as, “Deposits in U.S. offices excluding time   deposits over $250,000 and brokered deposits of $250,000 or less.”
2 Defined by the Federal Reserve as domestically chartered commercial banks.   
3 According to S&P Capital IQ Pro’s US Bank Outlook Survey

Real Estate and the Family Business in Divorce

Travis Harms recently wrote a piece for our Family Business Director Blog about the family business’ investment in real estate. Below, we have adapted his piece for business owner clients going through a divorce.

As the pandemic recedes further into the rearview mirror, long-term business consequences continue to reverberate through the economy.  In addition to recalibrating expectations among domestic manufacturers, foreclosures on distressed commercial real estate are accelerating.

For many business owners and their spouses, the marital net worth may be concentrated in the value of the business. Furthermore, the company’s real estate can be a significant portion of this value or may represent additional value. The lingering pandemic-induced weakness in commercial real estate values may encourage families to re-evaluate their real estate strategies, though this varies by asset class, use, and geography among many other considerations. Re-evaluating real estate strategies is particularly necessary for couples seeking to equitably divide assets in a marital estate pursuant to a divorce.

Below we highlight three real estate strategies we often see for those who own and operate a business.

Real estate strategy #1 – Operating business owns real estate needed for operations

This strategy is often the default strategy for enterprising families.

  • This approach has the virtue of simplicity. When additional productive assets are needed to take advantage of growth opportunities, the company acquires them, whether those assets consist of machinery & equipment or real estate.
  • Owned real estate provides the operating business with leverage capacity. Lenders take comfort in real estate as collateral, so businesses that accumulate operating real estate on their balance sheets will likely have greater borrowing capacity when attractive investment opportunities arise.
  • All else equal, an operating business that owns real estate is probably less risky than one that does not. Real estate holdings are likely to have alternative future uses outside the business and carry less risk than intangible assets, goodwill, and other assets that are specific to an operating business.
  • Real estate offers the prospect of capital appreciation. Rolling stock, production equipment, and other operating assets depreciate and lose value over the long term.  In contrast, investments in operating real estate can provide opportunities for capital appreciation in addition to the value created through operating the business.

Real estate strategy #2 – Operating business leases real estate needed for operations from a third party

Instead of purchasing real estate for operations, some family businesses elect to lease facilities needed for operations from unrelated third parties.

  • This strategy preserves the greatest flexibility for the operating business. Beyond the remaining term of the lease agreement, the operating business is not committed to the real estate from which it operates.  As strategies and market opportunities evolve, the operating business’s real estate needs are likely to evolve as well.
  • Leasing real estate from a third party allows management of the operating business to focus on running the business. Call it “core competency” or what have you: developing & managing real estate well requires a different skill set than running an operating business.  Leasing the real estate needed for operations rather than owning allows the management team to focus on what they do best.
  • Leasing can boost return on invested capital and shareholder returns. By reducing the amount of capital committed to the business, lessees can realize higher returns on invested capital.  Of course, return follows risk, so the higher expected returns come from bearing greater risk.
  • This strategy avoids the risk of falling property values weighing on business returns. While real estate values do often go up, appreciation is not guaranteed.  As noted in the second article linked in the introduction, commercial real estate values are currently under pressure in many sectors and markets.  For lessees, that is someone else’s problem.

Real estate strategy #3 – Operating business leases real estate needed for operations from a related party

This strategy represents a “hybrid” of the other two strategies.  Under this approach, the operating real estate is owned by a related family entity and leased to the operating business.

  • This approach can add governing complexity. The real estate entity will need its own governance mechanism, specifically a lease agreement defining the arrangement.
  • Separating ownership of operating real estate from the business can allow families to offer a more tailored risk and return profile to family members. Not all family members have identical return objectives and risk tolerances, and housing operating real estate in a separate entity can accommodate a wider range of shareholder preferences.
  • While most divorcing couples prefer not to be economically tied to their spouse post-divorce, this is not always attainable. Splitting the operating business and the real estate can potentially represent an amicable solution for both parties. In this case, significant post-marital efforts increasing the value of the core operating business accrue to the “in-spouse”, while the current rental income and passive capital appreciation of the real estate accrue to the “out-spouse” who is not able to meaningfully improve the value of the operating business post-divorce.

Intentional or not, all small business owners have a real estate strategy.  An outside perspective can be helpful if your real estate strategy is due for a simple refresh or a wholesale reconsideration, in the context of a divorce or not.  Give one of our senior professionals a call today to discuss your situation in confidence.

Equity Capital Raises

The banking zeitgeist is evolving: 2023 was about a liquidity crisis that claimed three banks who were members of the S&P 500; 2024 is shaping up as the year of capital raises by a handful of regionals to deal with the aftermath of the Fed’s ultra-low-rate environment.

KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY) was the latest bank to raise capital. The Bank of Nova Scotia (TSX:BNS) will purchase ~163 million newly issued common shares in a two-step transaction that once consummated will result in Scotia owning 14.9% of the common shares.

The $17.17 per share issue price equates to:

  • 15% premium to the ten-day volume weighted average price through August 9;
  •  ~1.50x pro forma tangible book value; and
  •  10.8x consensus 2025 EPS estimate.

The market was surprised by the investment because KEY’s and KeyBank’s common equity tier 1 ratios were 10.5% and 12.6% respectively as of June 30, 2024. However, the respective tangible common equity ratios were 5.2% and 6.9% given sizable unrealized losses in the AFS bond portfolio and receive fix/pay variable swaps book. KEY has earmarked about one-half the capital to absorb losses from restructuring the balance sheet.

Unlike the New York Community Bancorp (NYSE:NYCB) and First Foundation (NASDAQ:FFWM) capital raises that occurred at significant discounts to the market and tangible BVPS, KEY’s shares traded up on the announcement. Investors took the investment price as a form of validation of KEY’s credit marks, plus there is the potential for the “strategic minority” investment to become a control position via acquiring the remaining common shares one day.

Figure 1: Bank of Nova Scotia Equity Investment in KeyCorp

Figure 2: KEYCORP Pro Forma Balance Sheet

2024 Mid-Year Market Update

Year-to-date through August 23, the Nasdaq Bank Index and the KBW Nasdaq Regional Bank Index appreciated by 14% and 6%, respectively, compared to 18% appreciation by the S&P (see Figure 1).  Through June, bank stocks were flat to down from year-end 2023 but rallied in July to outperform the broader market with the Nasdaq Bank Index and the KBW Regional Bank Index appreciating by 17% and 19%, respectively, compared to 1% appreciation for the S&P in the month of July.

After a period of underperformance due to earnings pressure from rising rates and falling margins, banks rallied strongly during the reporting of 2Q24 earnings in July as it became apparent NIMs for most banks had or soon would stabilize and prospectively widen as the Fed moves to reduce short-term policy rates. 

Figure 1: Index Performance (12/31/2023 – 8/23/2024)Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro

After steadily declining from a peak of 3.65% in the last quarter of 2022, the median net interest margin for all banks traded on the NYSE and Nasdaq widened by 3 bps in 2Q24 compared to 1Q24.  Furthermore, as shown in Figure 2, 66% of all banks reported net interest margin expansion quarter-over-quarter, compared to just 20% in the first quarter of the year.  Margin improvement was less prevalent for the biggest banks as only 32% of banks with assets over $100 billion reported net interest margin expansion in 2Q24, and the group as a whole reported median net interest margin compression of 3 bps (see Figure 3).

Figure 2: Trend in Median Net Interest Margin & QoQ Change in NIM

Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro, Mercer Capital Research

Stock price appreciation was greatest for the banks with total assets between $1 billion and $100 billion, in part reflecting investor optimism for earnings improvement for banks that faced the most margin compression from 4Q22 to 1Q24.

As shown in Figure 3, banks with assets less than $1 billion or greater than $100 billion reported stock price appreciation of 7%-8% from March 31, 2024 to July 31, 2024 compared to a 16% median increase for all banks.

Figure 3: Change in Net Interest Margin by Asset Size RangeSource: S&P Capital IQ Pro

As illustrated in Figure 4, valuation multiples increased significantly with the rally in stock prices in July.  Publicly traded banks with assets between $1 and $15 billion reported a median price/one year forward earnings multiple of 12.5x and a price/tangible book value multiple of 1.26x as of July 31, 2024, up from 10.9x and 1.06x as of June 30.  In addition to higher forward P/Es, Analysts’ estimates for 2024 EPS were 12% higher as of July 31 compared to estimates for 2024 EPS available as of year-end 2023.

According to data provided by S&P Capital IQ Pro, there were 74 announced M&A transactions through August 24, compared to 102 announced transactions for the entirety of 2023.  Notably, aggregate deal volume reached $9.4 billion, which exceeds the $4.2 billion in announced deals in all of 2023 as shown in Figure 5.  After a period of subdued activity, the bank M&A market is showing signs of recovery.  Three deals valued at over $1 billion have been announced in 2024 compared to just one in 2022 and 2023, and the median P/E multiple increased from 12.4x in 2023 to 17.1x in 2024.

Figure 4: Pricing Multiples (Banks with Assets between $1-$15 Billion)Source: S&P Capital IQ Pro, Mercer Capital Research

Figure 5: Deal Value and VolumeSource: S&P Capital IQ Pro

Figure 6: Long-Term Trend in Pricing MultiplesSource: S&P Capital IQ Pro

After a tumultuous period for the banking industry marked by bank failures, liquidity concerns, margin pressure, depressed valuations, and subdued M&A activity, the outlook for the remainder of 2024 is cautiously optimistic.  EPS estimates are trending higher, M&A activity is showing signs of improving, and net interest margins are poised to expand.  Potential deterioration in asset quality remains the dark cloud on the horizon for the banking industry as margin pressures ease alongside weakening economic conditions.

After a tumultuous period for the banking industry marked by bank failures, liquidity concerns, margin pressure, depressed valuations, and subdued M&A activity, the outlook for the remainder of 2024 is cautiously optimistic.  EPS estimates are trending higher, M&A activity is showing signs of improving, and net interest margins are poised to expand.  Potential deterioration in asset quality remains the dark cloud on the horizon for the banking industry as margin pressures ease alongside weakening economic conditions.

Personal Goodwill and Valuation Issues in Marital Dissolution Cases

What is personal goodwill and why is personal vs. enterprise goodwill such an important topic? How is case law relevant, and is it always relevant? We discuss practical approaches, best practices and the impact from facts and circumstances.



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