D CEO’s 2023 Energy Awards

Special Topics

This past week, Mercer Capital was a part of D CEO’s 2023 Energy Awards—a fantastic event that celebrates the energy industry, transactions, and individuals that impact the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.  Major players such as Energy Transfer Partners, Exxon, and Denbury were honored or noted.  However, broader reaches of the industry were also recognized, such as private equity and royalty companies.

Alongside the industry itself, the event has evolved to include renewable and sustainable energy-oriented awards, such as Lee Graves of ELM Solar and ELM MicroGrid, who won the Renewable Energy Executive of the Year award.

Overall, the event’s main theme centered on the need for cooperation and collaboration of both traditional upstream energy sources and renewable energy sources.  This dynamic was personified by honoring the Exxon acquisition of Denbury, which I wrote about earlier this year.

In addition, the 2023 Energy Award ceremony bestowed its most prestigious Legacy Award to Kelcey Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners.  Energy Transfer Partners operates nearly 125,000 miles of pipeline, transporting roughly one-third of the country’s natural gas and crude oil—almost 5% of the global oil supply.  Energy Transfer has processed, piped, and then handed off supply at Gulf Coast ports, the East Coast, North Dakota’s Bakken, and, of course, the Permian and Cushing.  The dinner included an insightful conversation with Kelcey and a trip back into his childhood.  The conversation also covered perhaps one of the most notable contributions Mr. Warren has made to the City of Dallas, the lead gift for Klyde Warren Park, which has become a beloved landmark in the city.

We had a great time joining both clients and friends at the event!