Energy Valuation Insights

A weekly update on issues important to the oil and gas industry

Domestic Production Special Topics

An Overview of Salt Water Disposal

Part 3 | Valuation Considerations

Our previous posts on salt water disposal provided an overview of the sector and detailed the economics of the industry. In this post, we take a deeper dive into specific considerations that are critical to understanding the value of salt water disposal companies.

Special Topics

Exploration & Production Purchase Price Allocations

A Review of E&P Transactions Analyzed in Mercer Capital’s 2019 Energy Purchase Price Allocation Study

Last week, Mercer Capital released its 2019 Energy Purchase Price Allocation Study. In this post, we’ll be taking a deeper dive into the Exploration & Production transactions reviewed in the analysis.

Special Topics

Coming Soon: Mercer Capital’s 2019 Energy Purchase Price Allocation Study

We at Mercer Capital love movies.  One fun aspect of a movie is the anticipation for new releases that comes from watching movie trailers, which inform and tease simultaneously.  If done well, they can build anticipation for the show to come.  While not quite a movie trailer, we wanted to introduce you to a new study from our energy team that we are excited about: Mercer Capital’s Energy Purchase Price Allocation Study. 

Special Topics

Q4 2019 Global Macro Review

U.S. Production Hits Milestones Amid Continued Global Political Tensions

Brent crude prices began the quarter around $59 per barrel and have steadily risen to around $68 to close out 2019. WTI pricing has risen at a similar pace although it continues to trail Brent pricing by about $7 per barrel. Natural gas, however, has been trending in the opposite direction as prices have steadily declined since the end of October. In this post, we will examine the macroeconomic factors that have affected prices in the fourth quarter.

Special Topics

The Best of 2019

Energy Valuation Insights' Top Blog Posts

As we plan for a new year and a new decade, we look back at 2019 to see what was popular with you ­– our readers. This week’s post includes a list of the top posts of 2019 grouped by topic (Transactions, Saltwater Disposal, Oilfield Services Companies, Royalty and Mineral Markets, and Basin-Specific posts). If you missed one or two posts during the year, now is the time to catch up on your reading.

Oil & Gas

Mercer Capital provides oil and gas companies, oil and gas servicers, and mineral & royalty owners with corporate valuation, asset valuation, litigation support, transaction advisory, and related services