Mercer Capital is sponsoring and attending the AAML 2024 National Family Law Conference. The conference will be held April May 16-18, 2024, in Nashville, Tennessee. Mercer Capital’s Scott A. Womack, ASA, MAFF and Karolina Calhoun, CPA, ABV, CFF are attending.
Additionally, Z. Christopher Mercer, FASA, CFA, ABAR will be a panelist at the AAML 2024 National Family Law Conference on May 17, 2024. He’ll be speaking on a panel with Neil Beaton, CPA/ABV, CFA, ASA from Alvarez & Marsal Valuation Services, Scott M. Mann, Esq. from Mann Tucker Muir Gordon, LLC., and Amanda S. Trigg, Esq. from Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf. Their session is titled “Business, Bucks & Breakups: Mastering Business Valuations & Leveraging Your BV Expert in Divorce.” In it, they will break down the complexities of business valuations and show how to leverage their potential in complex family law cases.
Chris Mercer is the Chairman of Mercer Capital. He began his valuation career in the late 1970s and has testified in five statutory fair value trials in New York. He has prepared, overseen, or contributed to hundreds of valuations for purposes related to tax, ESOPs, buy-sell agreements, and litigation, among others. In addition, he has served on the boards of directors of several private companies and one public company. He enjoys working with business owners to address ownership transition issues. Chris co-authored Business Valuation: An Integrated Theory, 3rd Edition (Wiley Finance, 2020) with Travis W. Harms, CFA, CPA/ABV. He is also the author of the well-referenced book Buy-Sell Agreements for Closely Held and Family Business Owners (Peabody Publishing LP, 2010), among other books.
Scott Womack, Senior Vice President, leads the firm’s Litigation Group. As part of his corporate litigation practice, Scott has deep experience in family law litigation (traditional litigated divorce and collaborative divorce). He assists family law attorneys in divorce matters, including business valuation, forensic accounting, and division of the marital estate. Scott has testified in several jurisdictions involving family law matters. Scott regularly contributes to Mercer Capital’s Family Law Valuation and Forensic Insights monthly newsletter.
Karolina Calhoun, Senior Vice President, has been involved with hundreds of valuation and litigation support engagements in a diverse range of industries on local, national, and international levels. Before joining Mercer Capital, Karolina was a Senior Auditor at EY (Ernst & Young) in their Audit and Assurance Services practice. As a member of Mercer Capital’s Litigation Group, she provides valuation and forensics services for family law, gift & estate planning, commercial litigation, transactions (M&A), and further matters related to privately held businesses, dissenting shareholders, intellectual property, personal goodwill, etc. With her forensics accreditation, she provides economic and financial damages studies, asset tracing, lost profits, and lifestyle analyses. Karolina also regularly contributes to Mercer Capital’s Family Law Valuation and Forensic Insights monthly newsletter.