RIA Valuation Insights

A weekly update on issues important to the Investment Management industry

Margins and Compensation Practice Management

Striking the Right Balance Between Margins and Compensation

In the investment management world, evaluating a firm’s margin isn’t as simple as “more is better.” For RIAs, margin reflects efficiency, but it also reflects the firm’s tradeoffs with compensation.  Investment management is a talent business, and striking the right balance between margin and employee compensation that allows the firm to attract, retain, and incentivize talent is critical to an RIA’s success.

Current Events

Does This Presidential Election Matter to the RIA Industry?

For some reason, we get this question every four years or so: does this election matter to the RIA industry? Let’s start by saying that with all of the hot-button issues the candidates are currently squabbling about, the RIA industry does not appear to be top of mind for the former president and current vice president. We, therefore, have to step back and think about what either candidate’s election would mean for the broader financial services industry, taxes, and stock market returns, which we cover in this week’s post.

Current Events Practice Management

Funding Your RIA’s Buy-Sell with Life Insurance Just Got Much Harder

SCOTUS Compels Closely-Held Business Owners to Review a Potential Problem in Their Ownership Agreement

As long as I can remember, RIAs and other closely-held businesses have used corporate owned life insurance to fund redemption provisions in buy-sell agreements. That practice is now in doubt, as the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that entity-purchased life insurance is additive to value for fair market value purposes. Has SCOTUS rendered what was long-standing conventional wisdom useless, or is the ruling subject to interpretation? Time will tell. For now, readers of this blog post will want to study the ruling and its implications for their own buy-sell agreements.

Asset Management Valuation

Valuing Asset Managers

Read our updated complimentary whitepaper on valuing asset managers. Understanding the value of an asset management business requires some appreciation for what is simple and what is complex. On one level, a business with almost no balance sheet, a recurring revenue stream, and an expense base that mainly consists of personnel costs could not be more straightforward. At the same time, investment management firms exist in a narrow space between client allocations and the capital markets. They depend on revenue streams that rarely carry contractual obligations and valuable staff members who often are not subject to employment agreements. In essence, RIAs may be both highly profitable and prospectively ephemeral. Balancing the risks and opportunities of a particular investment management firm is fundamental to developing a valuation.


Handling RIA Ownership Disputes

When RIA owners can’t agree on the appropriate price for a shareholder buyout, we’re often jointly retained to value the departing member’s interest in the business pursuant to a buy-sell agreement.  Whether we’ve been court-appointed or mutually chosen by the parties to do the project, we’ve done enough of these over the years to learn that the process matters as much as the outcome. In this week’s post we describe the overall valuation process and common issues we’ve experienced surrounding RIA ownership disputes.

Trust Companies Wealth Management

Build, Buy, or Outsource

RIAs Need Trust Capabilities, but How?

Advising clients on estate planning is a core service offered by wealth management firms, and the best tool for meeting estate planning objectives is often some sort of trust. This dynamic places trust companies closely adjacent to wealth management firms, and, increasingly, RIAs have sought to internalize trust operations through various means in a bid to expand their capabilities and move upmarket to larger clients with more complex needs. For RIAs that can figure it out, there are opportunities for higher growth and retention at the margin relative to a field of competitors that lack robust trust capabilities.  

Industry Trends Valuation

RIA Value Is a Function of Liquidity

Is the Investment Management Industry Missing Part of Its Capital Stack?

For several years, RIA consolidation was fueled by cheap debt, compelling acquisition multiples, and AUM growth underpinned by rising markets. Today, debt isn’t free, acquisition multiples have been bid up, and public markets have become dependent on a very narrow list of equities for growth. Despite headwinds, the P.E. thesis of investing in the RIA space: sticky revenue, low capital intensity, and dependable margins, has survived the pandemic and rough market years like 2022. The missing element was and is the inaccessibility of public market equity to cash out the P.E. investment thesis and to provide replenishment capital to do new deals.

Industry Trends

Will Rate Cuts Improve RIA Multiples?

Most economists and market participants now believe the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates at its September meeting as inflationary trends show signs of easing. Naturally, we’re interested in how expected rate cuts will affect the investment management industry’s transaction multiples. Many industry observers believe anticipated rate cuts will have little or no impact on the sector since most RIAs don’t have any debt on their balance sheets. While it’s true that most investment management firms do not employ leverage in their capital structure, lower interest rates will nonetheless impact their cost of equity and, consequently, their valuations.

Investment Management

Mercer Capital provides RIAs, trust companies, and investment consultants with corporate valuation, litigation support, transaction advisory, and related services