Newly Released: Auto Dealer Video Series

Mergers, Acquisitions, & Divestitures Special Topics Valuation Issues

Mercer Capital’s Scott Womack had the pleasure of being invited to record a series of videos created by the Rawls Group, where he talked with partner and succession advisor Dan Iosue. Get to know what both Dan and Scott do best as they talk about everything from the best timing for valuations to how to successfully negotiate business disputes in the auto industry.

In each episode of the 12-part series, you’ll find practical advice, expert insights, and real-world examples created especially for any auto dealer looking to navigate the complexities of valuations and succession planning successfully. We hope you enjoy!

  1. Navigating Valuations and Succession Planning for Car Dealers
  2. Timing Valuations for Car Dealers: When and Why
  3. Leveraging Valuations for Strategic Growth in Car Dealerships
  4. Unlocking the Value of Car Dealerships
  5. The Art of Successful Partner Negotiations in the Automotive Industry
  6. Mastering Stock Purchases for Seamless Succession in the Automotive Business
  7. Preventing Business Disputes and Ensuring Succession in the Automotive Industry
  8. Navigating Family and Business Conflicts in the Automotive Industry
  9. Determining Dealership Value in a Booming Automotive Market
  10. Navigating Business Valuations: A Roadmap for Car Dealers
  11. Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Succession Planning
  12. The Succession Planning Process: What to Expect


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