Essential Financial Documents to Gather During Divorce

David W. R. Harkins, CFA, ABV and Karolina Calhoun, CPA, ABV, CFF

Format: 20-page Booklet
Price: Complimentary
Publication Date: 2024

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We have written about the benefits of hiring an expert in family law cases, whether it’s expected to settle or go to trial.

This booklet is designed to be a resource that will assist you and your clients during one of the most difficult times in their lives, both emotionally and financially.

Mercer Capital has compiled a list of financial documents that are typically needed in the divorce process and decoded common financial terms helpful to attorneys and their clients.

Financial experts can assist in determining the relevant documents based on the facts and circumstances of the case, which can reduce the burden of hunting down extraneous documents.

Most financial documents fall into one (or multiple) of the following categories, so we have organized this booklet to address each:

  • Determining the value of the marital estate (aka marital balance sheet or net worth), and the individual assets and liabilities which comprise such
  • Determining income and expenses for spousal and/or child support (akin to an income statement or budget)
  • Determining the value of the business(es) or business interest(s)
  • Providing support for forensic services

This information originally appeared in Mercer Capital’s Family Law Valuation and Forensics Insights newsletter, a monthly publication distributed by email as well as located on our website.  Mercer Capital is a national business valuation and advisory firm and we provide expertise in the areas of financial, valuation, and forensic services.

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