Community Bank Stress Testing

While community banks may be insulated from certain more onerous stress testing and capital expectations placed upon larger financial institutions, recent regulatory guidance suggests that community banks should be developing and implementing some form of stress testing and/or scenario analyses.

QMDM Fact Sheet

The Quantitative Marketability Discount Model is a shareholder-level discounted cash flow model designed to help valuation experts derive and explain a reasonable and transparent conclusion based upon the facts and circumstances of each case. For information on the model, download … Continued

The Management Interview: Why It’s Important and What You Should Expect

One critical part of the valuation process is the management interview or, as it is sometimes called, the due diligence visit. The management interview provides the business appraiser with an opportunity to integrate many sources of information about a business into a logical and consistent whole. The interview also helps to complete an overall understanding of how a particular business operates. The process of preparing for and conducting a management interview requires the appraiser to develop a command of the facts and circumstances of this particular valuation case.

The Level of Value: Why Estate Planners Need to Understand This Critical Valuation Element of a Buy Sell Agreement

Business appraisers retained pursuant to the operation of buy-sell agreements are normally bound to prepare their valuations in accordance with the kind of value described or defined within the agreements. Confusion over an appraiser’s basis of value, either by appraisers or by users of appraisal reports, can lead to the placing of inappropriately high or low values for a buy-sell agreement transaction. Therefore, it is essential that business appraisers and the parties using appraisals are aware of the correct basis (level) of value.

The Importance of Fairness Opinions in Transactions

A fairness opinion is provided by an independent financial advisor to the board of directors of selling companies in many transactions today, especially those with a significant number of minority shareholders.

Fair Value Issues Among Auditors

As the use of fair value measurement has expanded, so has the need for professionals who have specialized capabilities related to the measurement of fair value and the resolution of fair value issues.

Janda v. Commissioner: The QMDM Appears in Tax Court Again

The Tax Court Memorandum demonstrated that the Court thoroughly studied and it appears well understood the QMDM. While the Court did not accept the expert’s 65.77% discount, the Court criticized the assumptions used, not the QMDM.

Fair Market Value vs. The Real World

The world of fair market value is not the real world. It is a special world in which the participants are expected (defined) to act in specific and predictable ways.

Is It Reasonable? Normalizing Adjustments

As part of the appraisal due diligence process, information is obtained from general partners and/or managing members as well as from a variety of other sources. Such information provides a basis for the appraiser to understand the composition, operations, strategy, and governance of the entity. This article focuses on the importance of analyzing, from a valuation perspective, the reasonableness of this information.